Достопримечательности казани на английском
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- Тема Казань на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе
- на английском языке с переводом на русский язык
- Пять предложений про достопримечательность Казани на английском.
- Презентация по английскому языку по теме ” Казань – столица Татарстана
Тема Казань на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе
Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan Republic. [Кезэн ис зэ кэпитал оф Татэстэн Репаблик] — Казань столица Республики Татарстан.
Kazan is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage cities [Кезэн ис он зэ лист оф Юнеско ворлд хэритидж ситис] – Казань находится в списке городов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
The people of Kazan city have their own culture, traditions and language. [Зэ пипл оф Кезэн сити хэв вей аун калчэ,традишионал, энд лэнгвидж]- У жителей Казани своя культура, традиции и язык.
The most interesting sights in Kazan [Зэ мост интерестинг сайтс ин Кезэн] — Самые интересные достопримечательности в Казани:
The Kazan Kremlin [Зэ Кезэн Крэмлин] — Казанский Кремль.
The Kazan Kremlin is a unique historiсal and cultural monument. [Зэ Кезэн Крэмлин ис э юник хисторикал энд калчэрал моньюмент] – Казанский Кремль это уникальный исторический и культурный памятник.
Suyumbike tower [Сюмбике тауэр] — Башня Сююмбике.
It is seven-storey leaning tower, the legendary architectural symbol of Kazan [Ит ис сэвэн стори линин тауэр,зэ леджендари акитэкшал симбэл оф Кезэн] – Это семиэтажная «падающая» башня, легендарный архитектурный символ Казани.
Zilant Dragon [Зилант Дрэгон] – Дракон Зилант
Zilant is a flying serpent, legendary protector of the city. [Зилант ис э флаин серпент, леджендари прэтектэ оф зэ сити] — Зилант летающий змей, легендарный защитник города.
Blue Lake [блю лейк] – Голубое озеро
Blue lake is located in 20 km from Kazan. [Блю лейк ис локейтед ин твенти киламетэрс фром Кезэн] – Голубое озеро находится в 20 километрах от Казани. This lake has blue colour and ability not to freeze even in the winter. [Вис лейк хэс блю калэ энд эбилэти нот ту фриз ивэн ин зэ винтэ] — Это озеро имеет голубой цвет и способность не замерзать даже зимой.
National Museum of Tatarstan Republic [Нашэнэл Мьузиам оф Тэтастэн Репаблик]- Национальный музей Республики Татарстан
It is the largest museum in Tatarstan that founded in 1894 [Ит ис зэ ладжест мьузиам ин Тэтастэн вят фаундэд ин эйтин наинтин фо] – Это крупнейший музей в Татарстане который был открыт в 1984 году. There are over 800 thousand units in the museum’s collection. [Зэ ар эувэ эйт хандрид фаузэнд юнит ин зэ мьузиамс коллекшэн] – В коллекции музея более 800 тысяч экспонатов.
Temple of All Religions [Тэмпл оф ол релиджонс] – Храм всех религий
It is an architectural complex in Kazan. [Ит ис эн акитекшэл комплекс ин Кезэн]- Это архитектурный комплекс в Казани. The Temple consists of several types of religious architecture including a synagogue, an Orthodox church, a mosque. [Зэ Тэмпл консист оф северэл тайпс оф релиджэс акитекшэ инклудинг э синэгог, эн эфэдакс чётч, э маск] — Храм состоит из нескольких видов религиозной архитектуры, включая синагогу, православную церковь, мечеть.
Kazan’s central market [Кэзенс сэнтрэл макет] – Центральный рынок Казани
The Central Market is a classic bazaar in the open air. [Зэ центрэл Макет ис э класски бэза ин оупен эир] – Центральный рынок это классический базар на открытом воздухе. Here you can find everything. [Хиэ ю кэн файнд эврифин] – Здесь вы можете найти все что угодно.
В данной статье мы приведем тексты (топики) о Казани на английском языке. Это общие рассказы о Казани и Татарстане, рассказ про достопримечательности Казани на английском, короткие письма о впечатлениях о поездке в наш город. Если вы ищете тексты (информацию, топики) на другие темы (например, про Универсиаду 2013), то напишите об этом в комментариях и мы их опубликуем.
My native town Kazan
Geography of Tatarstan
Kazan (Небольшой текст на английском про Казань)
The Symbol of Kazan (Текст о главной достопримечательности Казани на английском языке)
The Kazan Kremlin remains to this day the very heart of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan — Kazan. The most unusual structure in the Kremlin complex is the Suyumbike Tower. It has become the architectural symbol of Kazan and is famous a long way from the Republic of Tatarstan. It is dear to our city, like the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great to Moscow, the Statue of Liberty to New York or the Eiffel Tower to Paris.
The Kazan Kremlin reminds us of the role Kazan played in the long stormy history not only of Tatarstan and Russia, but of the Eurasian continent.
The Kazan Kremlin has seen various changes and has always played the central role in the region. In the 10th century it was a small settlement. Its military and commercial role was developed from the 10th to the mid-13th century, when it became a fort. From the 13th century the Kremlin became the centre of the Kazan khanate.
It remained politically independent until 1552 when Ivan the Terrible recaptured Kazan. The old Tatar fortress was rebuilt as a Russian Kremlin. From 1708 the Kremlin became the centre of the first Kazan district of the Russian Empire. Kazan was then called «the third capital of Russia», «the fairest and best city of all Russia after Moscow and Saint Petersburg».
The Kazan Kremlin (Еще один текст о главной достопримечательности Казани на английском языке)
The Kazan Kremlin is unique because historically and architecturally it continually discovers the history, the interchange of values between several cultures and civilizations.
The Kazan Kremlin is not the only ancient urban fort on the bank of the Volga river. It is the only monument to the lost culture of the Kazan khanate. It is the only surviving Tatar fortress.
It is an example of the synthesis of Tatar and Russian architecture. It combines various styles and historical epochs. Inside the Kremlin complex we can clearly see the influences of Volga Bulgaria, the Golden Horde and the Kazan khanate. The Kremlin developed under the influence of two religions — Christianity and Islam.
Nowadays the Kazan Kremlin symbolizes the nation’s history, its culture and traditions. In the course of many years Russian and Tatar cultures developed side by side. This can be easily seen in the Kazan Kremlin. Magnificent golden crosses of the Annunciation Cathedral harmonize with ornate minarets of Kul-Sharif Mosque.
In 2000 the Kazan Kremlin became a monument of UNESCO World Heritage.
Cultural life in Kazan (Культурная жизнь Казани)
The letters of the visitors to Kazan (Письма о посещении Казани)
«I remember my first visit to Kazan. Last year our class came to visit Kazan for the first time. The first place we went to see was the Kazan University. It is the third oldest university in Russia. It celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2004. In front of the main building there is a place nicknamed «the Frying Pan». Students gather here between classes to chat and to get a suntan. It’s an amazing thing!» Leysan, 15, Zainsk.
«The first time I came to Kazan was in 2003. It was a sunny August day. Tatarstan celebrated the Republic Day. This day reflects both the old customs and festivals and the new face of Kazan. People gathered in the Central Stadium which is near the old Tashayak Fair (Yarmarochnaya square). They enjoyed a colourful performance: national wrestling, folk songs singing, folk dances, horse races. In the evening all people came out to see the fireworks on the bank of the Kazanka river. That was great! I’ll never forget the spirit of the festival and friendly and happy citizens of the capital!» Andrei, 17, Bugulma.
«I was 12 when I first visited Kazan. Our class came to the circus performance from Yelabuga by bus. I was surprised to see a strange construction on the bank of the Kazanka. My teacher said that it was the Circus with its «flying saucer». It was built in 1962. The guide said it had a great influence on the architectural complex of the Kremlin area. The old Kazan Circus stood on the other side of the Kremlin in the Black Lake Park. One more interesting building was the «Pyramid». It was a large stone and glass structure. My friend said it looked like a pyramid in Egypt. We were really excited after the Circus performance. We were lucky to go to MacDonalds’ restaurant on Bauman street» Gulnaz, 14, Yelabuga.
на английском языке с переводом на русский язык
Kazan is one of the largest (the population is over a million citizens) and the most ancient cities of Russia, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is an important economic, scientific, religious, and cultural center where various cultures (Tatar, Russian, and European) and religions (Islam and Orthodox Christianity) coexist harmonically. Kazan is situated on the great river Volga; its river port and international airport are significant as trading and transport junctions. Some architectural objects of Kazan are in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. Sports life of Kazan also develops quickly: there are famous local football, hockey and basketball clubs, and in recent years, the city held several large-scale competitions.
Казань – один из крупнейших (население превышает миллион человек) и древнейших городов России, столица Республики Татарстан. Она является важным экономическим, научным, религиозным и культурным центром, где разные культуры (татарская, русская и европейская) и религии (ислам и православное христианство) гармонично сосуществуют. Казань расположена на великой реке Волге; её речной порт и международный аэропорт – значимые торговые и транспортные узлы. Некоторые архитектурные объекты Казани внесены в список памятников Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Спортивная жизнь Казани также быстро развивается: там есть знаменитые местные футбольный, хоккейный, баскетбольный клубы, а в последние годы в городе прошло несколько масштабных соревнований.
According to historians, Kazan was founded at the beginning of the 11 th century. In the Middle Ages Kazan became a trading (blacksmithing, leather production, etc.) and cultural center of the Golden Horde. Afterward, it became the capital of Kazan Khanate, but in the 16 th century, Ivan IV joined it to Russia by force. As a part of Russian Empire, Kazan improved its industry, education (the third university in the country was opened there), and the level of life. Although Kazan suffered during the Civil War, it grew in the 20 th century turning into a megacity.
Согласно мнению историков, Казань была основана в начале XI
века. В Средние века Казань стала торговым (кузнечное дело, кожевенное производство и т.д.) и культурным центром Золотой Орды. Впоследствии она стала столицей Казанского ханства, но в XVI веке Иван IV силой присоединил его к России. Пока Казань была в составе Российской империи, развивались её промышленность, образование (третий университет в стране был открыт там) и уровень жизни. Хотя Казань пострадала в ходе Гражданской войны, в XX
веке она выросла, превратившись в мегаполис.
Nowadays, due to numerous landmarks, Kazan is a popular tourism direction. The ensemble of its medieval Kremlin is very impressive, as well as fine mosque Qol Sharif. Everyone enjoy visiting parks, museums, theaters of Kazan; besides, this city is a center of many national and international festivals of classical and modern (including ethnic) music.
В наши дни, благодаря многочисленным достопримечательностям, Казань – популярное туристическое направление. Ансамбль её средневекового Кремля очень впечатляющ, как и прекрасная мечеть Кул-Шариф. Все с удовольствием посещают парки, музеи, театры Казани; кроме того, этот город – центр многих национальных и международных фестивалей классической и современной (в том числе этнической) музыки.
В топике Республика Татарстан и Казань – я хочу рассказать о моей Республике и моем родном городе, которыми я горжусь. Татарстан расположен в центре Европейской части России, в месте слияния двух рек — Волги и Камы. Его население составляет около 3 миллионов человек. Климат умеренно-континентальный, с теплым, иногда жарким летом и умеренно холодной зимой. Главное богатство Татарстана – нефть. У нас 2 государственных языка: русский и татарский. Один из самых красивых соборов в Казани – Собор Святого Павла. Среди достопримечательностей: Парк Культуры и отдыха, Казанский Кремль и Казанский Университет, Татарский Драматический Театр и речной порт Казани.
I want to tell you about Tatarstan, one of the biggest republics of Russia. It is located in the Eastern part of Europe at the junction of the Volga and Kama rivers. Its population is about three million people. Climate is moderate-continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and moderate cold winters. The main wealth of Tatarstan is oil, the stock of which is about one billion tons a year.
There are two state languages in Tatarstan: Russian and Tatar. Besides these languages there are a lot of languages spoken in the republic: the Chuvash language, the Mary language, the Mordova language and etc. All these language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages.
The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan. It is located on the left bank of the Volga river and was founded in 1177 by the Bulgar tzar Ibrahim. It is a big political, economic and cultural centre. It is the Seat of the Republic government, the high court, the Academy of sciences and many administrative bodies. Kazan is also the cultural centre. There are many libraries, theatres, museums, monuments and other places of interest in it. One of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Kazan is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
The attraction of historical places is not only in their architecture, but in the names of people or events which are connected with them. One of the places of historical interest in our country is the Central Park of Recreation and Rest. It is noticed for its landscape and architecture. The usual tourists’ attractions are the Kremlin and the University of Kazan. Besides they visit Tatar Drama Theatre. Another attraction is the Riverport of Kazan. In summer it is a crowded place but in winter it is visited very seldom. Our government and the city magistrate in Kazan do everything in their power to preserve building of the architectural value.
Kazan is also famous for its classical and modern writers, scientists, who made a valuable contribution to literature and science (M. Djalil, Butlerov). I’m very proud of my Motherland and I’ll be very happy to show it to my foreign friends.
Пять предложений про достопримечательность Казани на английском.
Экономь время и не смотри рекламу со Знаниями Плюс
Экономь время и не смотри рекламу со Знаниями Плюс
1)Kazan is famous for its unique synthesis of East and West, because people of different ethnic and religious groups have been living peacefully in this city for many hundreds of years.
2)Kazan is one of the most ancient cities of the Russian Federation with a unique history and architecture. In 2005 Kazan celebrated its Millennium.
3)At different times in Kazan lived, worked and created such wonderful people like Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vasily Aksenov, Nikolai Feshin, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, Nikolai Lobachevsky, Gavrila Derzhavin
4)The Annunciation Cathedral is the oldest building of the Kazan Kremlin ensemble. Moreover, this beautiful Church of the 16th century has long been the main temple of Kazan, where priests were ordained.
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I live and study in Kazan city, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It’s my native city as I was born here. Kazan is located on the left bank of the Volga river and it was founded more than one thousand years ago. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history. The population of my city is multinational and enormous: about one and a half million people. Kazan has changed greatly from the moment when I was born and it has grown much bigger, but still it keeps its own traditions and some strict religious rules. The people of my city are friendly and hospitable, polite and intelligent to my mind.
The capital of Tatarstan is a city of contrasts: there are quarters of modern high-rise buildings and districts with old historical places; some districts are awfully noisy and crowded, with long traffic jams, the others are very clean and quiet. Our transport system is really busy: we have a railway station, a big river port, an airport, buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains of the Kazan metro which was opened in 2005.
There are plenty of impressive sights for our guests in the historical centre of the city: the Kremlin of the 10 th century, the Millenium bridge, the Kul-Sharif mosque and other beautiful cathedrals and mosques. Kazan has unique museums, able to suit any taste: the Fine Arts museum, the museum of Leo Tolstoy, the National museum of Tatarstan, the museum of Zoology.
My native city is a recognized sports capital of Russia. It has hosted many important sports events. The International Summer Universiade of 2013 was among them. And in 2018 our city is going to host the FIFA World Cup.
I feel proud of my birthplace and I am sure that Kazan is the place which is worth visiting at least once in our life. I know that many tourists from abroad come here and they feel enraptured with the local sights.
Я живу и учусь в городе Казань, столице республики Татарстан. Это мой родной город, так как я здесь родился. Казань расположена на левом берегу реки Волга и была основана более тысячи лет назад. Поэтому это очень старое место, с богатой и увлекательной историей. Население моего города многонациональное и огромное: около 1,5 млн человек. Казань очень изменилась с момента моего рождения и стала намного больше, но все же она хранит свои традиции и некоторые строгие религиозные правила. Люди в моем городе приветливы и гостеприимны, вежливы и умны, по моему мнению.
Столица Татарстана – это город контрастов: есть кварталы с современными высотными зданиями и районы со старыми историческими местами; некоторые районы ужасно шумные и многолюдные, с длинными дорожными пробками, а другие – очень чистые и тихие. Наша транспортная система очень оживленная: у нас есть железнодорожный вокзал, большой речной порт, аэропорт, автобусы, троллейбусы, трамваи и поезда Казанского метро, которое было открыто в 2005 г.
В историческом центре города находится множество впечатляющих достопримечательностей для гостей: Кремль 10-го века, мост Миллениум, мечеть Кул-Шариф и другие красивые соборы и мечети. В Казани есть уникальные музеи, способные удовлетворить любой вкус: музей изящных искусств, музей Л.Толстого, национальный музей Татарстана, зоологический музей.
Мой родной город является признанной спортивной столицей России. Он принимал гостей многих важных спортивных событий. Международная летняя Универсиада-2013 была одной из них. А в 2018 г. наш город собирается принимать участников Кубка мира FIFA.
Я горжусь местом своего рождения, и я уверен, что Казань – это место, которое стоит посетить хотя бы раз в жизни. Я знаю, что многие туристы приезжают к нам, и они приходят в восторг от местных достопримечательностей.
I want to tell you about Tatarstan, one of the biggest republics of Russia. It is located in the Eastern part of Europe at the junction of the Volga and Kama rivers. Its population is about three million people. Climate is moderate-continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and moderate cold winters. The main wealth of Tatarstan is oil, the stock of which is about one billion tons a year.
There are two state languages in Tatarstan: Russian and Tatar. Besides these languages there are a lot of languages spoken in the republic: the Chuvash language, the Mary language, the Mordova language and etc. All these language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan. It is located on the left bank of the Volga river and was founded in 1177 by the Bulgar tzar Ibrahim. It is a big political, economic and cultural centre. It is the Seat of the Republic government, the high court, the Academy of sciences and many administrative bodies. Kazan is also the cultural centre. There are many libraries, theatres, museums, monuments and other places of interest in it. One of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Kazan is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
The attraction of historical places is not only in their architecture, but in the names of people or events which are connected with them. One of the places of historical interest in our country is the Central Park of Recreation and Rest. It is noticed for its landscape and architecture. The usual tourists’ attractions are the Kremlin and the University of Kazan. Besides they visit Tatar Drama Theatre. Another attraction is the Riverport of Kazan. In summer it is a crowded place but in winter it is visited very seldom. Our government and the city magistrate in Kazan do everything in their power to preserve building of the architectural value.
Kazan is also famous for its classical and modern writers, scientists, who made a valuable contribution to literature and science (M. Djalil, Butlerov). I’m very proud of my Motherland and I’ll be very happy to show it to my foreign friends.
Презентация по английскому языку по теме ” Казань – столица Татарстана
ВНИМАНИЮ ВСЕХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ: согласно Федеральному закону N273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» педагогическая деятельность требует от педагога наличия системы специальных знаний в области обучения и воспитания детей с ОВЗ. Поэтому для всех педагогов является актуальным повышение квалификации по этому направлению!
Дистанционный курс «Обучающиеся с ОВЗ: Особенности организации учебной деятельности в соответствии с ФГОС» от проекта “Инфоурок” даёт Вам возможность привести свои знания в соответствие с требованиями закона и получить удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца (72 часа).
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
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Kazan is the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. The sixth largest city of Russia, it lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia. The Kazan Kremlin is a World Heritage Site.
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The Kol Sharif mosque located in Kazan Kremlin, was reputed to be -at the time of its construction- the largest mosque in Russia, and in Europe outside of Istanbul
Sөyembikə Tower, also called the Khan’s Mosque is probably the most familiar landmark and architectural symbol of Kazan. Once the highest structure of that city’s kremlin, it used to be one of the so-called leaning towers.
By the early 20th century, its inclination was estimated at 194 cm. Diverse stabilization methods were used to straighten the tower in the 1930s and 1990s.
The Millennium Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge that spans Kazanka River, in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. Its name originates from Kazan’s thousand anniversary, widely celebrated in 2005 and the shape of its M-like pylon.
The Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre is the leading Tatar theater in Kazan, Russia. Named after the playwright Galiaskar Kamal, it was founded on December 22, 1906.
From Kazan with love…
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Экскурсия по Казани на английском языке
This excursion was prepared by students and English teachers of secondary school number 2 of Aktubinsky
Welcome to Kazan, one of the most beautiful cities of our country! We are proud of our capital!
Kazan is one of the oldest cities in the Volga region. It is a thousand-year-old city with rich and unique history. It was founded in 1005.
One of the most important sights of our capital is The Kazan Kremlin. It was built on behest of Ivan the Terrible on the ruins of the former castle of Kazan khans . Kul-Sharif mosque was built in t he Kazan Kremlin in the 16th century. Besides the main mosque building it includes a library, publishing house and Imam’s office.
Presidential Palace in Kazan was built in 1845-1848. Today it is a residence of the President of Tatarstan. Building of Kazan City Hall is situated in the centre of the city. The most meaningful events take place here.
Suyumbike Tower is a recognized architectural symbol of Kazan. The 58-meter high tower is constructed with the large red brick, characteristic of the 17 th century. According to legends, the name of the tower is connected with Kazan tsarina Suyumbike who was the wife of Kazan khan Safa-Girey.
Kazan was announced to be a capital of The World Student Games of 2013. Mission of these games is to gather young sportsmen from all over the world in the city with unique multinational heritage.
Thanks to World Student Games the capital of Tatarstan will becomethe center of attention of the world community and one of the largest centers of tourism and sport industry of Russia.
Kazan has many different sport facilities and sports complexes. Busket Hall is the largest basketball sports complex which was opened in 2002. Palace of Martial Arts Ak Bars is a sport facility on the base of which competitions of Student Games will be held.
Palace of Sport in Kazan is one of the most beautiful sport facilities in the city. It is situated in the centre of Kazan. Kazan School of Olympic Reserves has already prepared more than twenty masters of sports and two hundred sixteen winners of Russian competitions on different kinds of sport.
Living or staying in Kazan, you can visit such sports complexes as Akbure and Vatan, Kazan Academy of Tennis and ice palace Tataneft Arena.
Our capital is very hospitable and always glad to receive guests !
Не секрет, что английский язык уже давно считается универсальным языком общения для всех стран мира. Именно поэтому, услуги гидов по Казани на английском языке – самые популярные и распространенные.
Экскурсии на английском языке проходят по тому же сценарию, как и экскурсии на русском языке. С одним основным отличием, ГИД владеет английским языком в совершенстве. Экскурсию часто выбирают гости нашей столицы из разных стран. Нет необходимости искать дополнительно переводчика, для того, чтобы узнать историю Казани и приблизиться к богатому культурному наследию.
Изучаете английский язык, отлично!
Экскурсия на английском языке подойдет и Вам тоже. ГИДы на английском языке обладают способностью общаться с различными народами мира. Учитывают особенности менталитета каждого гостя из других стран.
В штате нашей компании большое количество англо-говорящих ГИДов, которые с удовольствием проведут для Вас и Ваших гостей экскурсию в любые сроки. Так же доступны ГИДы с знаниями таких языков, как итальянский, французский, китайский.
Презентация -экскурсия к уроку «The cultural sights of Kazan» | Презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме:
Кazan culture
Слайд 1.
Welcome to Kazan – the city with rich history and culture.
Слайд 2.
Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan. The population is 1,161,308.
In April 2009 the Russian Patent Office granted Kazan the right to brand itself as the “Third capital” of Russia. The multi-ethnic city is honored by UNESCO and famous for Muslims and Christians living side-by-side in peace.
Kazan is one of the biggest cultural and educational centers of Volga region. Two different cultures are mixed here — Eastern and Western. This unusual cultural background is reflected in architecture of the city.
And of course, we cannot but mention the Kazan Kremlin. The Kazan Kremlin is a World Heritage Site- a unique complex (13 ha) of archaeological, historical and architectural monuments. Its foundation refers to the 12th century and it is functioned to the present day.
Слайд 3
The Suyumbike Tower is the historical pearl and the architectural symbol of Kazan. Its name is linked to the last queen of the Kazan Khanate Suyumbike, the wife of the two last khans of Kazan. It is 58 meters high, has seven tiers and is built of red brick.
Originally, the mosque was built in the Kazan Kremlin in the 16th century. It was named after Qolsharif who served there. Qolsharif died with his numerous students while defending Kazan from Russian forces in 1552. In 1552, during the storming the Kazan it was destroyed by Ivan the Terrible. It was rebuild in 2005 and it is one of the biggest mosques in Europe.
Kazan is the city where you can find churches and mosques situated not far from each other .
Слайды 6- 11.
So there are some of them:
1.The Zakabannaya Mosque
2. The Margany Mosque
3. The Azimov Mosque
4. The Blagoveschenskiy Cathidral
5. The Cherch of St. Varvara
6. The Pyatnitskaya Cherch
They all refer to the 17th, 18th century
Слайд 12.
People of Kazan are theatre lovers. Kazan State Opera And Ballet Theatre, Kachalov’s Drama Theatre, Kamal’s Tatar Academic Theatre, Young People’s Theatre, the Puppet Theatre are the most popular among adults and children.
The Tatar Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after M.Jalil- is the largest theatre of our country, which keeps the tradition of holding the two most largest International Festivals — the M. Jalil Opera and R. Nuriev»s Festival of classical ballet.
On the basis of the theatre there are numerous masterpieces of world musical theatre being cast, Russian classic, outstanding works of composers of our republic.
Слайд 13.
The Tatar State Academic G.Kamal`s Theatre
More than 100 years way of the theatre named after G.Kamal is the concentrated reflection of all the tatar theatrical culture. In the 22 of December of 1906 the first public performance was played in Tatar language. This date is considered to be the birth of the theatre named G.Kamal.
The Tatar Tinchurin Theatre
Слайд 15
Kachalov’s Drama Theatre,
Слайд 16
The new Kazan Puppet Theatre
Слайд 17
Museums play an important role in cultural life of the city. Kazan is the ancient city of almost a thousand-year history. The items connected with the history of Tatarstan, also a collection of treasures of Tatarstan are displayed in The National Museum of RT. A lot of prominent people lived and worked in Kazan and there are museums established in their memory. These are B. Urmanche`s Museum, Gabdulla Tukay`s Museum, M.Dzhalil`s Museum-apartment, Salikh Saydashev`s Museum, Sh. Kamal`s Museum-apartment, and others.
Слайд 18,19
Kazan is also famous for its monuments. These are the monuments to famous people some of them lived and worked in Kazan. The citizens are very proud of them. They are M. Jalil, F.Shalayapin, M.Vakhitov, G.Tukay, A.Pushkin and many others.
Also there are funny monuments to Kazan Cat, and numerous monuments from Gabdulla Tukay’s fairy tales. They are Shurale and Byltyr.
Слайд 20
Dear guest you are welcome. Come and see the beauty of Kazan.
вернуться к Достопримечательности России вернуться к Достопримечательности других городов России Проживание в Казани | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Экскурсии по России: экскурсии по Казани | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Казань — столица Республики Татарстан, Россия.![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Экскурсии по Казани: экскурсии по городу, историко-этнографические туры и др. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Здесь вы можете выбрать самые интересные для вас туры! Мы предлагаем только индивидуальные туры! | Забронировать экскурсию | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Обзорная экскурсия по Казани | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Во время обзорной экскурсии по исторической части Казани Вы посетите основные достопримечательности: Казанский Кремль — сердце города, главную мечеть Кул-Шариф и другие соборы и интересные места.![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Внимание! Цены указаны в российских рублях на человека | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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