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Тема Севастополь на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе. Достопримечательности крыма на английском языкеТопик 1110. (B). Путешествие в КрымКрепак Алексей. Белгородский инженерный юношеский лицей-интернат, Белгород, РоссияСочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Я в этом мире. I like to travel, because during the traveling you can learn a lot of new things and make new friends. There are many interesting places, where you can rest. One of such places is the Crimea. I went to the Crimea several times and I liked this place very much. The Crimea is the peninsula in the Black Sea. Along the coast there are many health resorts and beaches, bays and picturesque mountains. In the Crimea there are many attractions and places for excursions. We visited Yalta`s zoo and large botanical garden, splendid palaces as Lastochkino Gnezdo and Vorontsov Palace and beautiful cascades. In the Crimea there are such unique nature creations as stalactite caves. Last summer my mother, I and my elder brother decided to visit caves that named Mramornaya (Marble) and Emine-Bair-Hosar. It is considered to be the most beautiful in the world. These caves are situated on Chatyrdag Mountain, the highest mountain in the Crimea. When we came down into the cave, it was cold, damp and dark there. All visitors of caves must wear warm clothes because the temperature in the cave is about 50C. At the beginning we went downstairs and got to the first large hall with a lot of stalactites and stalagmites. It was great! After the opening of this cave for tourists the coloured illumination was made in it, and it made the cave more fantastic and mystery. When we were examining the cave our guide said that we mustn`t touch anything in the cave because it could destroy the microclimate of the cave. In another cave we saw bones and skeletons of the ancient animals that fell into this cave by accident and died there. We also saw little transparent underground lake in this cave. One of the halls was so huge that we couldn`t see its ceiling in the darkness, and hundreds of stalactites on the walls looked like tubes of gigantic organ. This excursion made strong impression on us. In addition we visited unique valley between mountains called the Ghosts` Valley. The wind created fantastic and beautiful stone figures. One of them looks like the head of a man named Lord of the Ghosts` Valley. Everyone can visit these wonderful places and see all the miracles of nature. I would like to go to the Crimea again, because I haven`t seen all sights yet.
Я люблю путешествовать, потому что во время путешествий можно узнать много нового и завести новых друзей. Есть много интересных мест, где можно отдохнуть. Одно из таких мест - Крым. Я был в Крыму несколько раз и мне там очень понравилось. Крым - это полуостров в Черном море. На побережье расположено много пансионатов и пляжей, много заливов и живописных гор. В Крыму много мест, привлекающих туристов, можно поехать на экскурсии. Мы посетили Ялтинский зоопарк и большой ботанический сад, видели великолепные дворцы - Ласточкино гнездо и Воронцовский дворец, и красивые водопады. В Крыму есть уникальные природные образования - сталактитовые пещеры. Прошлым летом я с мамой и старшим братом посетили пещеры, которые называются Мраморная и Эмине-Баир-Хосар. Считается, что эти пещеры относятся к числу самых красивых в мире. Это пещеры находятся на горе Чатырдаг, самой большой в Крыму. Когда мы спустились в пещеру, там было холодно, сыро и темно. Все посетители должны надевать теплую одежду, потому что температура в пещере около 50C. Сначала мы спустились по лестнице вниз, и попали в первый большой зал со сталактитами и сталагмитами. Это было удивительное зрелище! После открытияпещеры для туристов была проведена разноцветная подсветка, и это сделало пещеру более фантастической и таинственной. Когда мы осматривали пещеру, гид сказал, что мы не должны дотрагиваться до чего-либо, потому что это может привести к нарушению микроклимата пещеры. В другой пещере мы увидели останки древних животных, которые попали в эту пещеру как в ловушку и погибли. Мы также видели маленькое подземное озеро с очень прозрачной водой. Один из залов был такой большой, что не было видно потолка в темноте, и сотни сталактитов на стенах были похожи на трубы гигантского органа. Эта экскурсия произвела на нас сильное впечатление. Потом мы посетили уникальную долину между горами, которую называют Долина привидений. Ветер создал здесь фантастические и сказочные каменные фигуры. Одна из них похожа на голову человека, ее называют Хозяином Долины привидений. Каждый может посетить эти удивительные места и увидеть все чудеса природы. Я хотел бы поехать вКрым снова, потому что еще не видел всех достопримечательностей.
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english-exam.ru Crimea. Крым - Топик (тема) по английскому языку![]() [14.06.2010] olga Посмотрели: 39571 Рейтинг: 16 Коментариев: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() The Autonomous Republic CrimeaThe republic is situated on the Crimea peninsula. It is between the Black Sea in the west and south, and the Sea of Azov — in the east. In the east the Crimea is separated from Russia by the Kerch Strait. The total area of the republic is 26 100 km2, population is 2 137 700. It is divided into 15 regions and 15 cities. Symferopol is the administrative centre of the Crimea. The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south. The Crimean steppe, with its continental climate and steppe soils, occupies four-fifths of the territory. The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills and a low mountain chain covered with forests and high pastures. Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal lowland — the Crimeansouthern shore — with a Mediterranian climate and vegetation. The rivers are short and shallow. On the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains we find the Chorna, the Belbek, the Kacha, the Alma, the Salhyr and other rivers. There are also salt lakes there, such as the Sasyk, the Aktash and others. It is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, natural gas, building materials, and salt from the lakes. Russians constitute 67.2 percent of the population, Ukrainians — 26.5 percent and there are 300 000 Tatars. Food production is the Crimea’s main industry. Food industry produces canned goods, fish and wines. Agriculture mostly specializes in plant-growing, vine-growing and animal husbandry. It is followed by iron-ore mining, metallurgy and machine-building. The main sea-ports are Kerch, Teodosia, Yalta, Sevastopol, and Yevpatoria. The Crimea is also the main resort and tourist area of Ukraine. The artist I. Ayvazovsky and the polar explorer I. Papanin were born in the Crimea. КрымРеспублика расположена на полуострове Крым. Она находится между Черным морем на западе и юге, и Азовским морем - на востоке страны. На востоке Крым отделен от России Керченским проливом. Общая площадь республики составляет 26 100 км2, население 2 137 700. Она разделена на 15 районов и 15 городов. Симферополь является административным центром Крыма. Крым состоит из двух очень разных частей - безлесной степи Крымской низменности в северной и центральной части, и Крымских гор на юге. Крымская степь, с ее континентальным климатом и степными почвами, занимает четыре пятых территории. Крымские горы состоят из узкой области предгорий и низкой горной цепи, покрытой лесами и высокогорными пастбищами. Ниже гор на юге есть узкие прибрежные низменности - Южный берег Крыма - с средиземноморским климатом и растительностью. Реки короткие и мелкие. На северных склонах Крымских гор мы находим Черную, Бельбек, Кача, Альма, Салхир и другие реки. Есть также соленые озера, такие как Сасык, Акташ и другие. Крым богат природными ресурсами, такими как железная руда, природный газ, строительные материалы, и соли из озер. Русские составляют 67,2 процента населения, украинцы - 26,5 процентов, и 300 000 татар. Пищевая промышленность является главной отраслью Крыма. Пищевая промышленность производит консервы, рыбу и вино. Сельское хозяйство специализируется главным образом на растениеводстве, виноградарстве и животноводстве. За ней следуют железорудная промышленность, металлургия и машиностроение. Главными морскими портами являются Керчь, Феодосия, Ялта, Севастополь и Евпатория. Крым является основной курортной и туристической областью Украины. Художник И. Айвазовский и полярный исследователь И. Д. Папанин родились в Крыму. engmaster.ru Crimea | Топики по английскому языкуТопик Крым рассказывает о Республике, расположенной на Крымском полуострове, отделенном от России Керченским проливом. Республика Крым расположена между двумя морями: Черным и Азовским. Столица – Симферополь. На севере и в центре полуострова преобладают степные районы, на юге – горы, покрытые лесами и высокогорными пастбищами. У подножия гор – Южный берег Крыма, со средиземноморским климатом и растительностью. Реки короткие и неглубокие, есть соленые озера. Республика богата природными ресурсами, развиты тяжелая промышленность, пищевая промышленность, растениеводство, виноградарство и животноводство. Основные морские порты: Керчь, Феодосия, Ялта, Севастополь и Евпатория. The republic is situated on the Crimea peninsula. It is between the Black Sea in the west and south, and the Sea of Azov – in the east. In the east the Crimea is separated from Russia by the Kerch Strait. The total area of the republic is 26 100 km2, population is 2 137 700. It is divided into 15 regions and 15 cities. Symferopol is the administrative centre of the Crimea. The Crimea consists of two very different parts – treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south. The Crimean steppe, with its continental climate and steppe soils, occupies four-fifths of the territory. The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills and a low mountain chain covered with forests and high pastures. Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal lowland – the Crimean southern shore – with a Mediterranian climate and vegetation. The rivers are short and shallow. On the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains we find the Chorna, the Belbek, the Kacha, the Alma, the Salhyr and other rivers. There are also salt lakes there, such as the Sasyk, the Aktash and others. It is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, natural gas, building materials, and salt from the lakes. Russians constitute 65.2 percent of the population, Ukrainians – 15.99 percent and Tatars – 14.9 percent.The main sea-ports are Kerch, Feodosia, Yalta, Sevastopol, and Yevpatoria. The artist I. Ayvazovsky and the polar explorer I. Papanin were born in the Crimea. . englishtopic.ru Достопримечательности крыма на английском языке с переводомCrimea. Крым The Autonomous Republic Crimea The republic is situated on the Crimea peninsula. It is between the Black Sea in the west and south, and the Sea of Azov — in the east. In the east the Crimea is separated from Russia by the Kerch Strait. The total area of the republic is 26 100 km2, population is 2 137 700. It is divided into 15 regions and 15 cities. Symferopol is the administrative centre of the Crimea. The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in the northern and central parts, and the Crimean Mountains in the south. The Crimean steppe, with its continental climate and steppe soils, occupies four-fifths of the territory. The Crimean Mountains consist of a narrow range of foothills and a low mountain chain covered with forests and high pastures. Below the mountains in the south there is a narrow coastal lowland — the Crimeansouthern shore — with a Mediterranian climate and vegetation. The rivers are short and shallow. On the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains we find the Chorna, the Belbek, the Kacha, the Alma, the Salhyr and other rivers. There are also salt lakes there, such as the Sasyk, the Aktash and others. It is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, natural gas, building materials, and salt from the lakes. Russians constitute 67.2 percent of the population, Ukrainians — 26.5 percent and there are 300 000 Tatars. Food production is the Crimea’s main industry. Food industry produces canned goods, fish and wines. Agriculture mostly specializes in plant-growing, vine-growing and animal husbandry. It is followed by iron-ore mining, metallurgy and machine-building. The main sea-ports are Kerch, Teodosia, Yalta, Sevastopol, and Yevpatoria. The Crimea is also the main resort and tourist area of Ukraine. The artist I. Ayvazovsky and the polar explorer I. Papanin were born in the Crimea. Республика расположена на полуострове Крым. Она находится между Черным морем на западе и юге, и Азовским морем - на востоке страны. На востоке Крым отделен от России Керченским проливом. Общая площадь республики составляет 26 100 км2, население 2 137 700. Она разделена на 15 районов и 15 городов. Симферополь является административным центром Крыма. Крым состоит из двух очень разных частей - безлесной степи Крымской низменности в северной и центральной части, и Крымских гор на юге. Крымская степь, с ее континентальным климатом и степными почвами, занимает четыре пятых территории. Крымские горы состоят из узкой области предгорий и низкой горной цепи, покрытой лесами и высокогорными пастбищами. Ниже гор на юге есть узкие прибрежные низменности - Южный берег Крыма - с средиземноморским климатом и растительностью. Реки короткие и мелкие. На северных склонах Крымских гор мы находим Черную, Бельбек, Кача, Альма, Салхир и другие реки. Есть также соленые озера, такие как Сасык, Акташ и другие. Крым богат природными ресурсами, такими как железная руда, природный газ, строительные материалы, и соли из озер. Русские составляют 67,2 процента населения, украинцы - 26,5 процентов, и 300 000 татар. Пищевая промышленность является главной отраслью Крыма. Пищевая промышленность производит консервы, рыбу и вино. Сельское хозяйство специализируется главным образом на растениеводстве, виноградарстве и животноводстве. За ней следуют железорудная промышленность, металлургия и машиностроение. Главными морскими портами являются Керчь, Феодосия, Ялта, Севастополь и Евпатория. Крым является основной курортной и туристической областью Украины. Художник И. Айвазовский и полярный исследователь И. Д. Папанин родились в Крыму. Эксклюзив DW. Нашумевшее интервью Порошенко - в переводе на русскийtour-rizm.ru Информационный проект по английскому языку "Достопримечательности Крыма и популярные советские фильмы"Министерство образования и науки Самарской области ГБПОУ «Сергиевский губернский техникум» Информационный проект Interrelations between the Crimea’s places of interest and interesting films Выполнила: Урядникова Марина, студентка группы №11 Научный руководитель: Петрова Лариса Петровна, преподаватель иностранного языка Сергиевск, 2016 Содержание1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. II. III. IV. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. Крым – туристический рай ………………………..................................... Ливадийский дворец и фильм «Собака на сене» ………………………... Воронцовский дворец и фильм «Небесные ласточки» ………………….. Бухта Ласпи и фильм «Человек – амфибия» …………………………….. Курорт Коктебель и фильм «Алые паруса» ……………………………… Набережная Ялты и фильм «Иван Васильевич меняет профессию» …... Белая скала и фильм «Всадник без головы» ……………………………... Ласточкино гнездо и фильм «Десять негритят» …………………………. Долина привидений и фильм «Кавказская пленница или новые приключения Шурика» ………………………………………………………... Заключение ………………………………………………………………… Интернет – материалы …………………………………………………….. Приложения ………………………………………………………............... Приложение 1…..…………………………………………………………... Приложение 2 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 3 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 4 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 5 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 6 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 7 ……………………………………………………………… Приложение 8 ……………………………………………………………… Макет рекламно-информационного буклета…………………………….. 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 Введение (Introduction) Recently due to some unexpected events Russian diplomatic terms with some countries become worse. In accordance with the situation Russian tourists are afraid to go on travels to Turkey. Besides lots of Russian people are not satisfied with the economic sanctions against Russia. And as a result the quantity of Russian tourist’s visits is diminished. Russians are great patriots. They do not wish to allocate their financial resources in tourism of European countries. There are very many places of interest in Russia itself. It is high time to invest in national tourism, particularly in tourism of the Crimea. Moreover it is very important to show the Crimea to foreigners and make it more attractive for them. For this purpose it is possible to make informative booklets or guide-books in English. Subject-matters of booklets may be different. Booklets can advise what places and what films must be seen. So the aim of this informative project is to find interrelations between the most popular Crimea’s places of interest and the most popular films of the 20-th century. Objects of this project are available Internet materials about the history of shooting some popular Soviet films. The subject of the work is the top of old Soviet films, which were shot on the territory of the Crimea in the second half of the 20-th century. The tasks helping to fulfil the aim of the project are:
I. Основная часть (Main Part) 1.1. Crimea is a paradise for tourists. During the last two years the Crimea is ranked as one of the top country’s tourist destinations. The Crimea takes the second place after Olympic Sochi. According to the Crimean Ministry of tourism 4,59 million Russian tourists visited the Crimea in 2015, that is 21% more than in 2014 when only 3,8 million people visited Crimea. The Crimea is a true paradise for any tourist. There is no place in the world where you can enjoy such a successful combination of nature, climate, historical sights and unique architecture. That is why in the 20-th century many interesting films were shot there. Let’s see the interrelation of some Crimea’s places of interest and old interesting Soviet films. 1.2. The Livadia Palace and the film «The Dog in the Manger». For example all shooting of the TV movie «The Dog in the Manger» (1977) was made in the Livadia Palace and its park (see Supplement1). Go to Livadia, walk in the park and around the palace and you will easily find the place where Teodoro (actor Boyarskiy) sang songs. You will also find a marble bench where Diana (actress Terekhova) was crying. The Livadia Palace is only 3 km. away from Yalta. 1.3. The Vorontsov Palace and the film «Sky Swallows». Another majestic palace is situated at the foot of mountain AI-Petri nearly in the centre of Alupka. The name of the outstanding monument is The Vorontsov Palace. It was possible to watch the palace and its park in the TV musical comedy «Sky Swallows» (1976) (See Supplement 2). 1.4. The Laspi Bay and the film «The Amphibian Man». If you are fond of active diving it is necessary for you to visit and enjoy the the Laspi Bay on the southern shore of the Crimea. There is the place where nature has created a beautiful grotto. In the grotto Ichthiander (actor Korenev) was swimming and diving in the film «The Amphibian Man» (1961) (see Supplement 3). 1.5. The Crimean Resort Koktebel and the film «Scarlet Sails». In the same 1961 it was decided to shoot a fabulous film «Scarlet Sails». The screen adaption of the famous novel was made in the same place where Alexander Green (the author of the novel) had been living from 1929 to1932. It was there on the territory of the Crimean Resort Koktebel young and beautiful Assol (actress Vertinskaya) was waiting for a ship with scarlet sails (see Supplement 4). 1.6. Yalta’s embankment and the film «Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession». Beautiful Yalta’s embankment was shot in the comedy «Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession» (1973) (see Supplement 5). 1.7. White Rock and the film «The Headless Horseman». If you want to find yourself in the landscapes of the Wild West you should go to the famous White Rock or Aq- Qaya. It looks like a copy of Latin American prairies. Therefore in 1973 the famous film director Vladimir Petrovich Weinstock chose these places for shooting his film «The Headless Horseman» (see Supplement 6). 1.8. The castle Lastochkino Gnezdo the film «Ten Little Indians». If you like detective stories written by Agatha Christy you should go and see the film «Ten Little Indians». The scene of action in this mysterious film took place in the castle called Lastochkino Gnezdo or Swallow’s Nest near Yalta. At the beginning of the film all characters come to the castle. Then unexpectedly one by one all characters are killed. At the end of the film nobody is survived 9see Supplement 7). 1.9. Valley of Ghosts and the film «Caucasian Captive or Shurik’s New Adventures». And at last let’s remember the most famous film «Caucasian Captive or Shurik’s New Adventures». The film was almost entirely shot in the Crimea. Anyone in Alushta and in the village Luchistoe will be ready to show you dozens of places from that film. Besides all tourists try to visit 2 recognizable places in the Valley of Ghosts. One of them is the old walnut tree where Nikulin’s character was sitting and throwing nuts. Another recognizable place from the film is a large stone where Nina (actress Varley) was dancing and singing the famous song (see Supplement 8). II. Заключение (Conclusion) Amazing Crimean peninsula for a long time has been called one f the pearls of Europe. It was specially created by nature for rest and good mood. Outstanding poets, artists, architects, musicians and composers got inspiration for their masterpieces in Crimea. Crimea matches all possible and impossible kinds of traditional and active rest. You will find exactly what you need for a good rest in Crimea. If you love beaches and reckless holidays, you can lie in the sun and take idle walks along the sea coast, swim on a boat or go fishing. The lovers of nature will have a great opportunity to climb Mount Ai-Petri opening up a magnificent panorama of Big Yalta. From December till March the Ai-Petri is covered with snow. If you are fond of skiing or snowboarding – you are welcome! There are many entertainments, which you can find in any cities or towns of the Crimea. You can enjoy hotels, restaurants, casinos, and amusement parks for children. Every year different people with different hobbies come here. Some of them like quiet rest in comfortable sanatoriums and others can’t live without extreme sports. Tastes differ. But mild and warm climate, fabulous nature and unforgettable landscapes, the sea and the mountains make anyone indifferent. If you still have some doubts about your travel route see at least one of the interesting films. There are only 8 old popular films and only 8 Crimea’ s places of interest in this project. In reality there are much more of them. It is not possible to take into consideration all interesting films which were shot on the territory of the Crimea. The list of such films is very large. There is only the top of such films in the project and in the booklet. But neither projects nor booklets can express Crimea’s vital energy. Everyone should visit the Crimea and see everything by his or her own eyes! III. Internet sources
IV. Приложения (Supplements) Supplement 1 Supplement 2 Supplement 3 Supplement 4 Supplement 5 Supplement 6 Supplement 7 Supplement 8 Supplement 9 III infourok.ru Тема Севастополь на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городеСевастополь был основан в 1783 году. Город расположен на берегу Крымского полуострова, рядом с Черным морем. — Sevastopol was founded in 1783. The city is located on the Crimean peninsula, near the Black Sea.Довольно недавно Севастополь считался частью Украины. Однако в наши дни город признан городом федерального значения Российской федерации. — Sevastopol used to be a part of Ukrain quiet recently. Nevertheless, nowdays the city is considered to be a сity of federal importance in the Russian Federation. Административное устройство города.Севастополь состоит из 4 районов: Балаклавский район, Гагаринский район, Ленинский район и Нахимовский район. Интересно,что площадь Балаклавского района больше,чем площадь остальных районов,вместе взятых. — Sevastopol contains 4 districts: Balaklava district, Gagarin district, Leninsky district and Nakhimovsky district. Most interestingly, that the area of Balaklava district is bigger than the area of other three districts together in total. Площадь Севастополя и население.В городе проживает более 300 000 жителей. Площадь города составляет 864 квадратных километра. — The city contains more than 300 000 inhabitants. The area of the city is approximately 900 square kilometers. Севастополь имеет богатую историю, поэтому стоит сказать пару слов о ней.Севастополю досталась ключевая роль в Крымской войне 1853-1856.- Sevastopol had the key role in the Crimean war of 1853-1856 years. Севастополь получил звание «город-герой» в годы Второй Мировой войны за знаменитую Оборону Севастополя в 1941-1942 годах. — Sevastopol got the name of a «hero-city» in ages of the Second World War for famous Defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942 ages. Далее следует рассказать о туристическом развитии города.Севастополь — туристический город. Там находится около 49 километров пляжей, более 80 отелей, 10 яхтклубов и более 10 дайвинг-клубов.- Sevastopol is a touristic city. There is about 49 kilometers of beaches, more than 80 hotels, 10 yacht-clubs and more than 10 diving-clubs. Более того,в городе существует огромное разнообразие церквей и как минимум 13 музеев. — More over, there is a vide range of churches and, at least, 13 museums in the city.
150slov.com о Крыме на английском about the Crimea in englishАгенство Reuters считается в мире весьма авторитетным, во всяком случае в западном мире его сообщения о событиях, трактовка новостей имеют значение. В том числе для международного туризма. Насколько такого рода "новости" объективны, это уже второй вопрос. Кроме того, в странах Западной Европы и в целом в западном мире значительная часть населения по разным причинам не […] Velvet season in the Crimea In late August the coastal Crimea empties as parents take their children home - time to go to school. No sooner has the joyful hubbub of children's voices disappeared - the "haut" season is officially closed. But the sun is still heating the sea, the fruits are still ripening, hospitable […]
The tourist activity in the Crimae has a mass character in dry and hot summer period. Most of the tourists, arriving to the Crimea, goes, first of all, in the rest at the seafront. But this rest is seasonal, while mountains and the reserves are attractive and accessible the year round. Most people take fancy […] Main events, holidays and festivals in the Crimea in july, august, september 2014Автор: sstassy on: Июн 30,2014 Раздел: Новости, отчеты, репортажи, о Крыме на английском about the Crimea in english, События, фестивали, праздники, турнирыRepublic of Kazantip. Popovka July 2014. 5.07. The Night eve of Ivan Kupala's day, a Slavic celebration with a large bonfire near the lake in the Skalistoe village. Bakhchisarai, and in Magic valley nearby Red caves (between Simferopol and Alushta). 11.07. Fishman's day in Kerch - the city's most favorite and bright holiday in […] The Crimea peninsula is today in global media focus. But, who have right? Ukraine or Russia? Since march 2014 the Crimean peninsula embodied in the Russian Federation. 2 administrative regions are Republic Crimea and federal city Sevastopol. Boarders Crimea with Ukraina come along Perekop Swell and Sivash solt lake in the north of peninsula. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea (from 1954 to 1991 it was the Crimean Region) is part of the Ukraine. The administrative border in the north stretches along the Perekop Swell and the Sivash, a shallow bay of the Sea of Azov. In the north east of the peninsula there is a long sand spit, called […] We, the peninsula dwellers, can't understand a tourist who is coming to "sightsee" the Crimea in summertime. Hot weather, stuffy air, vacationers swarming everywhere... An excursions conveyor running in a scorching sun, snapshots (a must - you are to report to all of your friends!). Crimean wine in the evening in a roadside cafe... Not […] Gurzuf is a small urban settlement, also it is a famous health resort located on the southern coast of Crimea between Alushta and Yalta. Gurzuf is a former Crimean Tatar village and has its own rich history. New World is located near Sudak town at the distance of six kilometers long .. It's an unique beauty and is one of the most beautiful places of Crimea . The village is protected by mountains from the cold winds . New World has a soft and smooth similar to the subtropical climate . Spring in the […] kraevedenie.net |
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