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Топик на английском языке с переводом "Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России". Достопримечательности россии топик на английскомТопик на английском языке с переводом "Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России"Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России Russia's famous places of interest Red SquareRed Square is one of the most famous Russia's places of interest. It is located right in the heart of Moscow.
Many significant buildings surround Red Square. There is the Kremlin, Lenin's Mausoleum, Saint Basil's Cathedral, GUM trading house and Kazan Cathedral there. The State Historical Museum is also located in the square.
Red Square is the place where a lot of festivals are celebrated. The Kremlin The Kremlin is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. It is the main political and historical place of the city.
The walls of the Kremlin are made in the form of an irregular triangle. The Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. Its height is 80 metres. The Spasskaya Tower features the clock which is known as the Kremlin chimes. The Kremlin has 20 towers in total.
Today the Kremlin is the official residence of the President of Russia. The Hermitage The Hermitage is one of the world's largest museums. It is located in Saint Petersburg. It consists of 5 buildings. The museum's collection houses about 3 million different works of art.
From the very beginning the Hermitage was Catherine's II private collection of paintings, but in the time of Nicholas I the Hermitage opened for general public. This happened in 1852. Saint Basil's Cathedral Saint Basil's Cathedral is located in Red Square. This Orthodox church is a world-famous landmark. The church was built in the XVI century by order of Ivan the Terrible. There are 11 domes in Saint Basil's Cathedral. Its height is 65 metres.
In the XX century the church was open for public as a museum. It is one of the most recognizable tourist attractions. Saint Basil's Cathedral is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal Lake Baikal is a lake located in eastern Siberia. This is the deepest lake on our planet and the largest natural reservoir of fresh water.
Lake Baikal is also widely known for its endemic fauna. Water in the lake is very clean and clear. There are 27 islands and the biggest one is called Olkhon.
Numerous rivers and streams flow into Lake Baikal. The Angara is the only river that flows out from the lake. Petergof Petergof is a small town which has great tourist and scientific significance. In the XVIII century the emperor's country residence was located there.
The town is located not far from Saint Petersburg and is well-known for its landmarks. These places of interest include the palace ensemble called Petergof with its numerous fountains, alleys and the Peterhof Grand Palace. The Golden Ring The Golden Ring is a ring of cities located not far from Moscow. This popular tourist route runs through ancient cities of Russia which played a significant role in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church.
There are many unique monuments in these cities which attract a lot of tourists. The cities included in the Golden Ring are Sergiyev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. infourok.ru Sightseeing in Russia | Топики по английскому языкуТопик Достопримечательности в России рассказывает о большом интересе иностранных туристов к русской культуре, русским обычаям и традициям. Их привлекают старинные русские города своей архитектурой: русскими православными соборами, церквями, монастырями, старинными усадьбами. Одна из сокровищниц русской культуры, живописи, прикладного искусства и архитектуры – город Новгород, и ни один другой город не превосходит его по числу древних памятников архитектуры и коллекциям средневековой живописи. В Москве самые интересные достопримечательности: Кремль, Красная площадь, Собор Василия Блаженного, колокольня Ивана Великого, Спасская Башня, Царь-пушка и Царь-колокол, Александровский сад, Храм Христа Спасителя и др. В столице России находятся крупнейшие музеи: Музей изобразительных искусств, Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Государственный исторический музей, Всероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства, Политехнический музей и другие. Многих туристов интересуют многочисленные и уникальные московские театры, Всероссийский Выставочный центр и московское метро. Есть много других интересных городов России, которые стоит посетить, например, “северную столицу” России – Санкт-Петербург и город-герой Волгоград. Millions of people all over the world are fond of travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to discover different ways of life, to meet different people and to practise foreign languages. It goes without saying that travelling broadens the mind. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books. That’s why a lot of foreign people come to Russia to get acquainted with Russian culture, with Russian customs and traditions.Russia has always been a country of mystery attractive for foreigners. There are lots of villages and towns in Russia famous for their specific crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma and toys in Dymkovo. Thousands of foreigners visit Russia to enjoy the typical Russian log houses, decorated with wood carvings. Tourists like to visit old Russian towns and cities famous for their ancient architecture. They are especially attracted by Russian orthodox cathedrals, churches and monasteries. One of the most interesting old cities in Russia is Novgorod, or Novgorod the Great, as it was called in the old times. It is a treasury of architecture, painting and applied art created over the 11th to 17th centuries. The first records of the city on the Volkhov River date back to the year of 859. Now Novgorod has expanded far beyond its former limits. It is an important industrial and cultural centre, located on the busy highway linking Moscow and St. Petersburg. The focal point of the city is the Detinets, or the Kremlin. The present-day Kremlin stems largely from the 15th century. Several alterations made in the 16th and 17th centuries were minor and did not affect its appearance. Novgorod’s contribution to the development of Russian culture is outstanding. No other city excels Novgorod in the number of ancient monuments of architecture. The Novgorod Museum of History, Architecture and Art shows visitors the history of the medieval Novgorod. Its artistic value lies primarily in its collection of medieval icon painting. There is a lot to see in Russia, but first of all foreign tourists visit the capital of our country, Moscow, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. They dream of visiting Red Square, which is called the heart of Moscow. Perhaps, the most ancient monument of Red Square is St. Basil’s Cathedral. With its nine beautifully painted cupolas, it is a real masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. If you come to Moscow for the first time, you should by all means visit the Kremlin, which is very impressive. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. The tallest Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. If you leave the Kremlin by the Trinity Gate you will come to the Alexandrovsky Gardens. The first thing to do in the Gardens is to stand by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, still and silent. Not far from the Alexandrovsky Gardens, behind the Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge, you will see Christ the Saviour Cathedral, with its huge beautiful gilded dome. Foreigners are usually surprised by the number of churches and cathedrals in and around the city. There are also a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions and monuments in Moscow. There are more than 80 museums in our capital. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts whose collections include works of art of the ancient Orient and ancient Egypt, and the State Tretyakov Gallery which houses a rich collection of Russian painting and Russian icons. Other unique museums in Moscow are the State History Museum, the All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, the Polytechnical Museum and many others. Moscow is famous for its theatres, too. The best-known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular. Another interesting place to visit in Moscow is the All-Russia Exhibition Centre which occupies an area of 530 acres. The Exhibition Centre is situated in a beautiful park. The most admired feature of the Exhibition Centre is its fountains. The “Friendship of the Nations” and the “Stone Flower” fountains are the most beautiful. The Exhibition Centre is a large cultural and commercial complex where different international exhibitions and fairs are held. One of the most famous sights of the city is the Moscow Metro and a journey by Metro will be unforgettable. In the Metro you do not feel as if you’re underground. This is due to the unique architecture and the artistic design of the stations which are more like palaces. No two stations are alike – most of them have their own appearance. Of course, every foreigner should visit St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia and one of the most splendid cities in the world. It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great at the mouth of the Neva River. Now it is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre. St. Petersburg is indeed a wonderful city: at every turn there is something to catch your eye. The Winter Palace, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the Peter-and-Paul Fortress and the Admiralty Building attract thousands of tourists from every corner of the world. Petersburg’s many museums house some of the world’s most famous art collections. The Hermitage and the Russian Museum, for example, contain the richest collections of pictures in the world. The city is called the Northern Venice, because there are 65 rivers, branches and canals there with artistically decorated bridges. It’s also famous for its beautiful white nights. There are a lot of Hero-cities in our country. And I would recommend that my foreign friends visit one of them. Volgograd is a legendary city, because here in 1943, the Soviet Army won the great and glorious victory over the fascists. The city was completely ruined during the war but now it is a beautiful city again. It stands on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. The symbol of Volgograd is the Mamaev Hill. It was the centre of fighting during the heroic defence of Stalingrad. Now there is a great memorial there. Besides, you can visit the Stalingrad Battle Panorama Museum, which is situated on the bank of the Volga River. The centre of Volgograd is the Square of the Fallen Heroes. In the middle of it there is a granite obelisk and the common graves of the heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. At the foot of the memorial you can see the Eternal Flame. Now Volgograd is a big industrial and cultural centre. There are a lot of other interesting towns and cities in Russia, which are all worth visiting. . englishtopic.ru Россия ТопикПеревод темы по-английскому языку «Россия«:Официальное название страны – Российская Федерация. Это самая большая страна в мире, охватывающая территорию в 17 миллионов квадратных километров. Россия расположена в Европе и Азии. Она омывается 12 морями. Россия граничит с Норвегией, Финляндией, Эстонией, Латвией, Литвой, Украиной, Грузией, Азербайджаном, Казахстаном, Китаем, Монголией и Северной Кореей. Она также имеет морскую границу с Японией и США. Население России составляет около 142 миллионов человек. Эта девятая самая населенная нация в мире. Столица страны – Москва. Россия — страна разнообразных пейзажей. В ней есть равнины и леса, нагорья и пустыни, тундра и тайга. В стране много гор и свыше двух миллионов рек, самые главные из которых Волга, длиннейшая река в Европе, Обь, Енисей и Лена. Озера России содержат четверть мировых ресурсов пресной воды. Самое глубокое и чистое озеро Байкал находится в России. Россия – высокоразвитая промышленная страна. Она имеет самые большие запасы минеральных и энергетических ресурсов в мире. Страна богата нефтью, углем, газом, медью, никелем и другими минеральными ресурсами. Несмотря на экономические проблемы, с которыми Россия сталкивается в настоящее время, она остается одной из главнейших стран в мире. Россия – парламентская республика, во главе которой стоит президент. Исполнительная власть осуществляются Думой. Россия – это страна с уникальной культурой. Ее самыми крупными и красивыми городами являются Москва и Санкт Петербург, где можно найти множество музеев, парков, театров, памятников, церквей и других интересных мест. Каждый год Россия привлекает миллионы туристов. Бесплатно скачать презентацию на английском языке можно прямо сейчас:Russia is also officially known as the Russian Federation. It’s the largest country in the world with the total area of about 17 million square kilometers. Russia is situated in Europe and in Asia. It is washed by 12 seas. Russia borders on Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It also has a sea border with Japan and the United States. The population of Russia is about 142 million people. It’s the ninth most populous nation in the world. The capital of the country is Moscow. Russia has a great variety of landscapes. There are plains and forests, highlands and deserts, tundra and taiga. There are lots of mountains and over two million rivers in the country. The main ones are the Volga, which is the longest river in Europe, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena. Russia’s lakes contain one-quarter of the world’s fresh water. The deepest and the purest lake Baikal is situated in Russia. Russia is a highly developed industrial country. It has the world’s largest reserves of mineral and energy resources. The country is rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources. Despite the economic problems that Russia is facing nowadays, the country remains one of the leading countries in the world. Russia is a parliamentary republic with the President being the Head of the State. The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma. Russia is a country of unique culture. Its largest and most beautiful cities are Moscow and St. Petersburg where one can find numerous museums, parks, theatres, monuments, churches and lots of other interesting places. Russia attracts millions of tourists every year. https://www.activeenglish.ru/geo/topics/countries-to-visit/russia-2/russia-2/Россия Топик 2010-08-30T19:36:02+00:00adminRussia 2Россия,топикПеревод темы по-английскому языку 'Россия': Официальное название страны – Российская Федерация. Это самая большая страна в мире, охватывающая территорию в 17 миллионов квадратных километров. Россия расположена в Европе и Азии. Она омывается 12 морями. Россия граничит с Норвегией, Финляндией, Эстонией, Латвией, Литвой, Украиной, Грузией, Азербайджаном, Казахстаном, Китаем, Монголией и Северной...admin [email protected]Английский язык онлайнwww.activeenglish.ru Топик по английскому Sightseeing in RussiaТопик Достопримечательности в России рассказывает о большом интересе иностранных туристов к русской культуре, русским обычаям и традициям. Их привлекают старинные русские города своей архитектурой: русскими православными соборами, церквями, монастырями, старинными усадьбами. Одна из сокровищниц русской культуры, живописи, прикладного искусства и архитектуры – город Новгород, и ни один другой город не превосходит его по числу древних памятников архитектуры и коллекциям средневековой живописи. В Москве самые интересные достопримечательности: Кремль, Красная площадь, Собор Василия Блаженного, колокольня Ивана Великого, Спасская Башня, Царь-пушка и Царь-колокол, Александровский сад, Храм Христа Спасителя и др. В столице России находятся крупнейшие музеи: Музей изобразительных искусств, Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Государственный исторический музей, Всероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства, Политехнический музей и другие. Многих туристов интересуют многочисленные и уникальные московские театры, Всероссийский Выставочный центр и московское метро. Есть много других интересных городов России, которые стоит посетить, например, «северную столицу» России – Санкт-Петербург и город-герой Волгоград. Millions of people all over the world are fond of travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to discover different ways of life, to meet different people and to practise foreign languages. It goes without saying that travelling broadens the mind. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books. That's why a lot of foreign people come to Russia to get acquainted with Russian culture, with Russian customs and traditions. Russia has always been a country of mystery attractive for foreigners. There are lots of villages and towns in Russia famous for their specific crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma and toys in Dymkovo. Thousands of foreigners visit Russia to enjoy the typical Russian log houses, decorated with wood carvings. Tourists like to visit old Russian towns and cities famous for their ancient architecture. They are especially attracted by Russian orthodox cathedrals, churches and monasteries. One of the most interesting old cities in Russia is Novgorod, or Novgorod the Great, as it was called in the old times. It is a treasury of architecture, painting and applied art created over the 11th to 17th centuries. The first records of the city on the Volkhov River date back to the year of 859. Now Novgorod has expanded far beyond its former limits. It is an important industrial and cultural centre, located on the busy highway linking Moscow and St. Petersburg. The focal point of the city is the Detinets, or the Kremlin. The present-day Kremlin stems largely from the 15th century. Several alterations made in the 16th and 17th centuries were minor and did not affect its appearance. Novgorod's contribution to the development of Russian culture is outstanding. No other city excels Novgorod in the number of ancient monuments of architecture. The Novgorod Museum of History, Architecture and Art shows visitors the history of the medieval Novgorod. Its artistic value lies primarily in its collection of medieval icon painting. There is a lot to see in Russia, but first of all foreign tourists visit the capital of our country, Moscow, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. They dream of visiting Red Square, which is called the heart of Moscow. Perhaps, the most ancient monument of Red Square is St.Basil's Cathedral. With its nine beautifully painted cupolas, it is a real masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. If you come to Moscow for the first time, you should by all means visit the Kremlin, which is very impressive. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. The tallest Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. If you leave the Kremlin by the Trinity Gate you will come to the Alexandrovsky Gardens. The first thing to do in the Gardens is to stand by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, still and silent. Not far from the Alexandrovsky Gardens, behind the Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge, you will see Christ the Saviour Cathedral, with its huge beautiful gilded dome. Foreigners are usually surprised by the number of churches and cathedrals in and around the city. There are also a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions and monuments in Moscow. There are more than 80 museums in our capital. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts whose collections include works of art of the ancient Orient and ancient Egypt, and the State Tretyakov Gallery which houses a rich collection of Russian painting and Russian icons. Other unique museums in Moscow are the State History Museum, the All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, the Polytechnical Museum and many others. Moscow is famous for its theatres, too. The best-known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular. Another interesting place to visit in Moscow is the All-Russia Exhibition Centre which occupies an area of 530 acres. The Exhibition Centre is situated in a beautiful park. The most admired feature of the Exhibition Centre is its fountains. The "Friendship of the Nations" and the "Stone Flower" fountains are the most beautiful. The Exhibition Centre is a large cultural and commercial complex where different international exhibitions and fairs are held. One of the most famous sights of the city is the Moscow Metro and a journey by Metro will be unforgettable. In the Metro you do not feel as if you're underground. This is due to the unique architecture and the artistic design of the stations which are more like palaces. No two stations are alike - most of them have their own appearance. Of course, every foreigner should visit St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia and one of the most splendid cities in the world. It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great at the mouth of the Neva River. Now it is an important industrial, cultural and educational centre. St. Petersburg is indeed a wonderful city: at every turn there is something to catch your eye. The Winter Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Peter-and-Paul Fortress and the Admiralty Building attract thousands of tourists from every corner of the world. Petersburg's many museums house some of the world's most famous art collections. The Hermitage and the Russian Museum, for example, contain the richest collections of pictures in the world. The city is called the Northern Venice, because there are 65 rivers, branches and canals there with artistically decorated bridges. It's also famous for its beautiful white nights. There are a lot of Hero-cities in our country. And I would recommend that my foreign friends visit one of them. Volgograd is a legendary city, because here in 1943, the Soviet Army won the great and glorious victory over the fascists. The city was completely ruined during the war but now it is a beautiful city again. It stands on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. The symbol of Volgograd is the Mamaev Hill. It was the centre of fighting during the heroic defence of Stalingrad. Now there is a great memorial there. Besides, you can visit the Stalingrad Battle Panorama Museum, which is situated on the bank of the Volga River. The centre of Volgograd is the Square of the Fallen Heroes. In the middle of it there is a granite obelisk and the common graves of the heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. At the foot of the memorial you can see the Eternal Flame. Now Volgograd is a big industrial and cultural centre. There are a lot of other interesting towns and cities in Russia, which are all worth visiting. Топики по темеbegin-english.ru Топик на английском языке с переводом "Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России"The Kizhi Pogost Kizhi island is famous for its architectural complex which consists of two wooden churches and a bell-tower. It was built in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
According to the Russian carpentry traditions of that time, the Church of the Transfiguration was built of wood only with no nails.
The second church, the Church of the Intercession, is an architectural echo of the main church. The bell-tower is located right beside them. Mamayev Kurgan Mamayev Kurgan is famous for its memorial complex "The Motherland Calls".
The central figure of the complex is a statue of a woman holding a sword. The height of the sculpture is 85 metres from the feet to the tip of the sword.
This complex commemorates the Battle of Stalingrad. Mamayev Kurgan was the place where fierce fighting occured. Saint Isaac's Cathedral Saint Isaac's Cathedral is located in Saint Petersburg. It is one of the largest cathedrals in the world. The construction of the cathedral took 40 years.
The height of the cathedral is 101,5 metres. The exterior of the cathedral features a lot of columns and statues.
Nowadays, Saint Isaac's Cathedral is a museum. However, services are conducted there on feast days. Знаменитые достопримечательности России Красная площадьКрасная площадь – одна из самых известных достопримечательностей России. Она находится в самом центре Москвы.
Многочисленные значимые здания окружают Красную площадь. На ней расположен Кремль, мавзолей Ленина, храм Василия Блаженного, ГУМ и Казанский собор. Государственный исторический музей также находится на площади.
На Красной площади проводятся многочисленные празднования. КремльКремль – это крепость в центре Москвы. Это главное политическое и историческое место города.
Стены Кремля образуют неправильный треугольник. Троицкая башня – самая высокая башня Кремля. Ее высота – 80 метров. На Спасской башне установлены часы, известные как Кремлевские куранты. В общей сложности в Кремле 20 башен.
Сегодня Кремль является официальной резиденцией президента России. Эрмитаж Эрмитаж – один из крупнейших музеев мира. Он находится в Санкт-Петербурге. Он состоит из 5 зданий. Коллекция музея насчитывает около 3 миллионов различных произведений искусства.
Изначально Эрмитаж был частной коллекцией картин Екатерины II, но во времена Николая I Эрмитаж был открыт для широкой публики. Это случилось в 1852 году. Собор Василия Блаженного Собор Василия Блаженного расположен на Красной площади. Эта православная церковь является всемирно известной достопримечательностью. Собор был построен в XVI веке по приказу Ивана Грозного. В соборе Василия Блаженного 11 колоколов. Его высота составляет 65 метров.
В XX веке собор был открыт в качестве музея. Это одна из самых узнаваемых достопримечательностей. Храм Василия Блаженного включен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Озеро Байкал Озеро Байкал – это озеро в восточной Сибири. Это самое глубокое озеро на планете и крупнейший природный резервуар пресной воды.
Байкал хорошо известен своей эндемичной фауной. Вода в озере очень чистая и прозрачная. На нем есть 27 островов, крупнейший из которых называется Ольхон. infourok.ru
englishtopic.ru Топик на английском языке с переводом "Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России"
Многочисленные реки и ручьи впадают в Байкал. Ангара – единственная река, которая вытекает из озера. Петергоф Петергоф – небольшой городок, имеющий огромное туристическое и научное значение. В XVIII веке здесь находилась загородная резиденция императора.
Город расположен неподалеку от Санкт-Петербурга и знаменит своими достопримечательностями. В их число входит дворцовый ансамбль Петергоф с многочисленными фонтанами, аллеями и Большим Петергофским дворцом. Золотое кольцо Золотое кольцо – это кольцо городов, расположенных неподалеку от Москвы. Этот популярный туристический маршрут пролегает через древние города России, сыгравшие значительную роль в формировании Российской Православной церкви.
Здесь находятся многочисленные уникальные памятники, привлекающие много туристов. В Золотое кольцо включены такие города, как Сергиев Посад, Переславль-Залесский, Ростов Великий, Ярославль, Кострома, Иваново, Суздаль и Владимир. Кижский погост Остров Кижи знаменит своим архитектурным комплексом, состоящим из двух деревянных церквей и колокольни. Он был построен в XVIII-XIX веках.
По традициям плотницкого дела того времени церковь Преображения Господня была построена из дерева, без гвоздей.
Вторая церковь, церковь Покрова Богородицы, является архитектурным отголоском главной церкви. Колокольня расположена рядом с ними. Мамаев курган Мамаев курган знаменит своим мемориальным комплексом "Родина-мать зовет!".
Центральной фигурой комплекса является статуя женщины, держащей меч. Высота скульптуры составляет 85 метров от низа до кончика меча.
Комплекс возведен в память о Сталинградской битве. Мамаев курган был местом, где проходили ожесточенные бои. Исаакиевский собор Исаакиевский собор находится в Санкт-Петербурге. Он является одним из крупнейших соборов мира. Строительство собора заняло 40 лет.
Высота собора составляет 101,5 метра. Во внешней отделке собора присутствуют многочисленные колонны и статуи.
Сегодня Исаакиевский собор – это музей. Однако, по праздникам здесь проходят службы. infourok.ru |
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