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Презентация на тему Тест «Достопримечательности Вашингтона и Нью-Йорка». Достопримечательности нью йорка презентацияПрезентация "Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка" Тигиева Д.![]() Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка Презентация Тигиевой Дианы( 9 класс) руководитель: Кибирева И.Р. ![]() You are in the USA now and you are going to see one of the greatest cities on the planet – New York ! ![]() New York City is in the state of New York. It`s not the capital , but it is the largest city in the country. There are 50 states in America. One of them is New York. ![]() The state of New York New York City ![]() Part № 1 New words and names to describe New York • To talk about New York we`ll need new words and expressions: some names of places and main attractions of this great city, the name of the river in New York. ![]() a borough [bʌrǝ] - район Manhattan [mæn`hætn ] – Манхэттен Brooklyn [`brʊklin] – Бруклин Queens [kwi:nz] – Куинз Staten Island [`stætn`ailǝnd] – Статен-Айленд the Bronx [ brɒɧks ] – Бронкс the Hudson [`hʌdsǝn] - Гудзон • New York is on the Hudson River. • New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. ![]() Manhattan [mæn`hætn] - Манхэттен • Manhattan is the main island of New York City. ![]() New York`s most famous sights: the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Rockefeller Center , the Pan American Building, the Statue of Liberty … ![]() Building Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг ![]() 2. The Chrysler Building – здание Крайслер ![]() 3. The Rockefeller Center [rɒkǝfelǝ(r)] – Рокфеллеровский центр ![]() 4. The Pan American Building, now named MetLife ![]() A bird`s eye view of Manhattan`s famous skyscrapers ![]() “ There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple” The old saying is very true when we talk about New York – America`s Big Apple ![]() • The city has a lot of nicknames. Here are some of them: “The Big Apple”, “The City That Never Sleeps”, “The Capital of the World”, “The Center of the Universe” … ![]() New York is a show in itself ![]() to do some sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности an impression [ɪm`preʃn] – впечатление a ferry [`feri] – парóм a masterpiece – шедевр a flier – рекламный проспект to book – заказывать (билет) • New York City attracts more than 45 million tourists every year. ![]() The Big Apple`s mega star is the Empire State Building • It took less than two years to build it (one year and 45 days). • The building has 103 floors. • Total height is 443.2 meters to top of the lightning rod. • It is the world`s greatest TV tower (1,454 feet) ![]() • The work was completed on November 13, 1930. • Over 2,5 million visitors from every state in the US and nearly every foreign country visit “top of the Empire State” each year. • The Empire State Building became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001. • The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher. ![]() • They used to be the tallest buildings in New York. • They were destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001. ![]() ![]() The Statue of Liberty • The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman, America`s symbol of freedom. • The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America. • This monument was built in New York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France. ![]() • You can take the subway to Whitehall Street or to South Ferry . From there you can catch a ferry to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty. A short ferry ride from Battery Park . ![]() The Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island ![]() ![]() Sightseeing tours with helicopters ![]() ![]() The Rockefeller Center • Located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, Rockefeller Center or Rockefeller Plaza is a complex of 19 commercial buildings. • NBC studios, Radio City Music Hall are among them. ![]() • The Rockefeller Center Christmas trees are the largest and the most beautiful in New York ![]() • The buildings and gardens make up this “city within a city”. ![]() ![]() The Chrysler Building • The Chrysler Building was the world`s tallest building until the Empire State Building came along. • The Building was finished in 1927. • The Chrysler Building was done in art deco style. • The 77-floor building is located in Midtown Manhattan. ![]() The Guggenheim Museum [`gʊgǝnhaɪm mju:`ziǝm] - Музей Гуггенхайма . ![]() • It contains one of the world`s finest collections of contemporary art. ![]() • Named the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in honor of its founder, the museum is in fact better known for its amazing building. • The museum was opened in 1959 and immediately became the focus of critics. • It was designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright , who broke all the old standard rules and came up with a totally new concept of style. ![]() • Even if you are not interested in modern art, you shouldn`t miss a chance to visit one of the world`s most extravagant museum. • Come and see this architectural masterpiece, which has not lost its ability to excite and surprise. ![]() Broadway is the most famous street in New York. It is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan (25 km.), but it is famous not only for this fact. ![]() It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses 7th Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theaters and is known as the “ Theater District ” . The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright. ![]() • The hit which was born on Broadway is “Chicago”! This fantastic musical is still the biggest hit in town. Thousands of people come to Broadway to see this great show in the Ambassador theater. ![]() • Hilton Theater`s hall • Music Box Theater ![]() • This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” . ![]() Times Square • There are always a lot of tourists here. ![]() • New Yorkers and tourists like to celebrate New Year in Times Square. On New Year`s Eve, December 31, crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight. ![]() • At midnight everyone shouts: “Happy New Year!” to everyone else. ![]() Central Park ![]() • Central Park is so huge that you can get lost there. It can be called the lungs of New York. • Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see families walking their dogs and young people riding their bikes and roller-skating. ![]() • You can also see baseball and soccer here. • Some people come here just to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music. ![]() ![]() multiurok.ru Тест «Достопримечательности Вашингтона и Нью-Йорка»Обратная связьЕсли не удалось найти и скачать доклад-презентацию, Вы можете заказать её на нашем сайте. Мы постараемся найти нужный Вам материал и отправим по электронной почте. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания: Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания: Email: [email protected] Мы в социальных сетяхСоциальные сети давно стали неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Мы узнаем из них новости, общаемся с друзьями, участвуем в интерактивных клубах по интересам ВКонтакте > Что такое Myslide.ru?Myslide.ru - это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем учителям, школьникам, студентам, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться своими учебными материалами с другими пользователями. Для правообладателей > myslide.ru Презентация на тему "Экскурсия по Нью-Йорку"Слайд 1 New York CityСлайд 2 New York City is a city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is a global economic center, with its business, finance, trading, law, and media organizations influential worldwide. The city is also an important cultural center, with many museums, galleries, and performance venues. Home of the United Nations, the city is a hub for international diplomacy. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City has the highest population density of major cities in the United States. The New York metropolitan area, with a population of 18.8 million, ranks among the largest urban areas in the world. Manhattan Bronx Brooklyn Staten Island Queens Bronx Слайд 3 Eagle - the symbol of New York State. Indian - represents the Native Americans who preceded the Europeans. Sailor - represents the settlement of the area. Beaver - represents the Dutch West India Company, the first company in the city. Windmill, Barrel and Flower - represent early industry. 1625 - the year in which Manhattan Island was established by the Dutch. The official Flag of the City of New York is designed to bear the same colors (orange, white, and blue) as the flag of the United Netherlands used in 1625, the year New Amsterdam was settled on the island of Manhattan. Located in the center is a blue print of the official Seal of New York City. The Seal of the City of New York , adopted in an earlier form in 1686, bears the legend SIGILLUM CIVITATIS NOVI EBORACI which means simply "The Seal of the City of New York": Eboracum was the Roman name for York, the titular seat of James II as Duke of York. The symbols in the seal are interpreted as follows: Слайд 4 European settlement began with the founding of a Dutch fur trading settlement, later called "New Amsterdam," on the southern tip of Manhattan in 1614. In 1664, the British conquered the city and renamed it "New York" after the English Duke of York and Albany . Слайд 5 Hudson River, East River, Long Island Sound, Newark Bay, Upper New York Bay, Lower New York Bay, Jamaica Bay, Atlantic Ocean Waterways Слайд 6 The Hudson River , called Muh-he-kun-ne-tuk in Mahican is a river that runs through the eastern portion of New York State and, along its southern terminus, demarcates the border between the states of New York and New Jersey. It is named for Henry Hudson, an Englishman sailing for the Netherlands, who explored it in 1609. Early European settlement of the area clustered around the river. The area inspired the Hudson River school of painting, a sort of early American pastoral idyll. Battery Park City Bear Mountain Bridge Hudson River Слайд 7 Liberty Enlightening the World known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty , is a large statue that was presented to the United States by France , standing at Liberty Island as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper-clad statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship from France to America. Statue of Liberty Слайд 8 The statue shows a woman standing upright, dressed in a robe and a seven point spiked crown representing the seven seas and continents, holding a stone tablet close to her body in her left hand and a flaming torch high in her right hand. The statue is 46.5 m tall, with the foundation adding another 46.9 m. The tablet contains the text "JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" (July 4, 1776) commemorating the date of the United States Declaration of Independence. Слайд 9 The five boroughs: 1: Manhattan , 2: Brooklyn , 3: Queens , 4: Bronx , 5: Staten Island New York City is comprised of five boroughs , an unusual form of government used to administer the five constituent counties that make up the city. Слайд 10 Manhattan (pop. 1,593,200) is the most densely populated borough of New York City and home to most of the city's skyscrapers . The borough contains the major business and financial centers of the city and many cultural attractions, including numerous museums, the Broadway theatre district and Madison Square Garden . Manhattan is loosely divided into Downtown , Midtown , and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side , and above the park is Harlem. Слайд 11 NY city was one of the sites of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when nearly 3,000 people died in the destruction of the World Trade Center . The Freedom Tower will be built on the site and is scheduled for completion in Freedom Tower Слайд 12 Brooklyn (pop. 2,511,408) is the city's most populous borough and was an independent city until 1898. Brooklyn is known for its cultural and ethnic diversity, an independent art scene, distinct neighborhoods and a unique architectural heritage. The borough also features a long beachfront and Coney Island , established in the 1870s as one of the earliest amusement grounds in the country. Слайд 13 Astroland Beach Coney Island Слайд 14 Queens (pop. 2,256,576) is geographically the largest borough and the most ethnically diverse county in the United States. Historically a collection of small towns and villages founded by the Dutch, the borough today is mainly residential and middle class. It is the only large county in the United States where the median income among black households, about $52,000 a year, has surpassed that of whites. Queens is the site of Shea Stadium , the home of the New York Mets. It is also the home to New York City's two major airports, LaGuardia Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport . Слайд 15 The Bronx (pop. 1,364,566) is New York City's northernmost borough. The site of Yankee Stadium, home of the New York the largest cooperatively owned housing complex in the United States, Yankees, and home to Co-op City. Except for a small piece of Manhattan known as Marble Hill, the Bronx is the only section of the city that is part of the United States mainland. It is home to the Bronx Zoo. The Bronx is the birthplace of rap and hip hop culture. Famous Bronx neighborhoods include the South Bronx, "Little Italy" on Arthur Avenue in the Belmont section, Morris Park, and Riverdale. Слайд 16 Museum of the Arts Слайд 17 Staten Island (pop. 475,014) is the most suburban in character of the five boroughs. It is connected to Brooklyn by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and to Manhattan via the free Staten Island Ferry . Until 2001, the borough was home to the Fresh Kills Landfill , formerly the largest landfill in the world, which is now being reconstructed as a large urban park. Слайд 18 The city has more than 2,000 arts and cultural organizations and more than 500 art galleries of all sizes. Wealthy industrialists in the 19th century built a network of major cultural institutions, such as the famed Carnegie Hall and Metropolitan Museum of Art that would become internationally established. The city's 39 largest theatres are collectively known as " Broadway ," The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is the largest performing arts center in the United States. Metropolitan Museum of Art Carnegie Hall Philharmonic Hall Слайд 19 The city's public school system, managed by the New York City Department of Education , is the largest in the United States. About 1.1 million students are taught in more than 1,200 separate primary and secondary schools. There are about 600,000 university students in New York City. New York City is also home to such notable private universities as Columbia University , Cooper Union , Fordham University , Manhattan College , The New School , New York Institute of Technology , New York University , Pace University , Polytechnic University , and St. John's University . Columbia University Fordham University New York Institute of Technology Слайд 20 The New York Public Library , which has the largest collection of any public library system in the country, serves Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island. Queens is served by the Queens Borough Public Library , which is the nation's second largest public library system, and Brooklyn Public Library serves Brooklyn. The New York Public Library has several research libraries, including the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture . Queens Library Brooklyn Public Library New York Public Library Слайд 21 The New York City Subway is one of the largest rapid transit systems in the world with 1,062 km of mainline track. The transportation system in New York City is extensive and complex. It includes the longest suspension bridge in North America, the world's first mechanically ventilated vehicular tunnel, more than 12,000 yellow cabs and an aerial tramway that transports commuters between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan. Penn Station Grand Central Terminal New York is home to the two busiest rail stations in the United States, including Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station . nsportal.ru Презентация "Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка" Тигиева Д.![]() Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка Презентация Тигиевой Дианы( 9 класс) руководитель: Кибирева И.Р. ![]() You are in the USA now and you are going to see one of the greatest cities on the planet – New York ! ![]() New York City is in the state of New York. It`s not the capital , but it is the largest city in the country. There are 50 states in America. One of them is New York. ![]() The state of New York New York City ![]() Part № 1 New words and names to describe New York • To talk about New York we`ll need new words and expressions: some names of places and main attractions of this great city, the name of the river in New York. ![]() a borough [bʌrǝ] - район Manhattan [mæn`hætn ] – Манхэттен Brooklyn [`brʊklin] – Бруклин Queens [kwi:nz] – Куинз Staten Island [`stætn`ailǝnd] – Статен-Айленд the Bronx [ brɒɧks ] – Бронкс the Hudson [`hʌdsǝn] - Гудзон • New York is on the Hudson River. • New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. ![]() Manhattan [mæn`hætn] - Манхэттен • Manhattan is the main island of New York City. ![]() New York`s most famous sights: the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Rockefeller Center , the Pan American Building, the Statue of Liberty … ![]() Building Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг ![]() 2. The Chrysler Building – здание Крайслер ![]() 3. The Rockefeller Center [rɒkǝfelǝ(r)] – Рокфеллеровский центр ![]() 4. The Pan American Building, now named MetLife ![]() A bird`s eye view of Manhattan`s famous skyscrapers ![]() “ There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple” The old saying is very true when we talk about New York – America`s Big Apple ![]() • The city has a lot of nicknames. Here are some of them: “The Big Apple”, “The City That Never Sleeps”, “The Capital of the World”, “The Center of the Universe” … ![]() New York is a show in itself ![]() to do some sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности an impression [ɪm`preʃn] – впечатление a ferry [`feri] – парóм a masterpiece – шедевр a flier – рекламный проспект to book – заказывать (билет) • New York City attracts more than 45 million tourists every year. ![]() The Big Apple`s mega star is the Empire State Building • It took less than two years to build it (one year and 45 days). • The building has 103 floors. • Total height is 443.2 meters to top of the lightning rod. • It is the world`s greatest TV tower (1,454 feet) ![]() • The work was completed on November 13, 1930. • Over 2,5 million visitors from every state in the US and nearly every foreign country visit “top of the Empire State” each year. • The Empire State Building became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001. • The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher. ![]() • They used to be the tallest buildings in New York. • They were destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001. ![]() ![]() The Statue of Liberty • The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman, America`s symbol of freedom. • The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America. • This monument was built in New York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France. ![]() • You can take the subway to Whitehall Street or to South Ferry . From there you can catch a ferry to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty. A short ferry ride from Battery Park . ![]() The Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island ![]() ![]() Sightseeing tours with helicopters ![]() ![]() The Rockefeller Center • Located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, Rockefeller Center or Rockefeller Plaza is a complex of 19 commercial buildings. • NBC studios, Radio City Music Hall are among them. ![]() • The Rockefeller Center Christmas trees are the largest and the most beautiful in New York ![]() • The buildings and gardens make up this “city within a city”. ![]() ![]() The Chrysler Building • The Chrysler Building was the world`s tallest building until the Empire State Building came along. • The Building was finished in 1927. • The Chrysler Building was done in art deco style. • The 77-floor building is located in Midtown Manhattan. ![]() The Guggenheim Museum [`gʊgǝnhaɪm mju:`ziǝm] - Музей Гуггенхайма . ![]() • It contains one of the world`s finest collections of contemporary art. ![]() • Named the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in honor of its founder, the museum is in fact better known for its amazing building. • The museum was opened in 1959 and immediately became the focus of critics. • It was designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright , who broke all the old standard rules and came up with a totally new concept of style. ![]() • Even if you are not interested in modern art, you shouldn`t miss a chance to visit one of the world`s most extravagant museum. • Come and see this architectural masterpiece, which has not lost its ability to excite and surprise. ![]() Broadway is the most famous street in New York. It is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan (25 km.), but it is famous not only for this fact. ![]() It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses 7th Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theaters and is known as the “ Theater District ” . The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright. ![]() • The hit which was born on Broadway is “Chicago”! This fantastic musical is still the biggest hit in town. Thousands of people come to Broadway to see this great show in the Ambassador theater. ![]() • Hilton Theater`s hall • Music Box Theater ![]() • This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” . ![]() Times Square • There are always a lot of tourists here. ![]() • New Yorkers and tourists like to celebrate New Year in Times Square. On New Year`s Eve, December 31, crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight. ![]() • At midnight everyone shouts: “Happy New Year!” to everyone else. ![]() Central Park ![]() • Central Park is so huge that you can get lost there. It can be called the lungs of New York. • Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see families walking their dogs and young people riding their bikes and roller-skating. ![]() • You can also see baseball and soccer here. • Some people come here just to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music. ![]() ![]() multiurok.ru Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка - презентация, доклад, проектОбратная связьЕсли не удалось найти и скачать доклад-презентацию, Вы можете заказать её на нашем сайте. Мы постараемся найти нужный Вам материал и отправим по электронной почте. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания: Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если у вас возникли вопросы или пожелания: Email: [email protected] Мы в социальных сетяхСоциальные сети давно стали неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Мы узнаем из них новости, общаемся с друзьями, участвуем в интерактивных клубах по интересам ВКонтакте > Что такое Myslide.ru?Myslide.ru - это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем учителям, школьникам, студентам, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться своими учебными материалами с другими пользователями. Для правообладателей > myslide.ru Презентация "Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка" Багаури Славика![]() New York City Презентация Багаури Славика ( 9 класс) Руководитель : Кибирева И.Р . ![]() New York City is a city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is a global economic center, with its business, finance, trading, law, and media organizations influential worldwide. The city is also an important cultural center, with many museums, galleries, and performance venues. Home of the United Nations, the city is a hub for international diplomacy. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City has the highest population density of major cities in the United States. The New York metropolitan area, with a population of 18.8 million, ranks among the largest urban areas in the world. Manhattan Bronx Bronx Staten Island Brooklyn Queens ![]() Manhattan (pop. 1,593,200) is the most densely populated borough of New York City and home to most of the city's skyscrapers. The borough contains the major business and financial centers of the city and many cultural attractions, including numerous museums, the Broadway theatre district and Madison Square Garden. Manhattan is loosely divided into Downtown , Midtown , and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side, and above the park is Harlem. ![]() Wall Street Wall Street is the major financial centre of the U. S. and symbolizes the money market and financiers of the U.S. Wall Street was called so because of a wall which extended along the street in Dutch times. It was built about 1650 from river to river (the Hudson and the East River) to protect the small colony living south of this street from attacks by Indians. Later the wall was removed, but the name remained. ![]() Governor’s Room City Hall New York City Hall is the seat of the government of New York City. The building houses the office of the Mayor of New York City and the chambers of the New York City Council. The building is the oldest City Hall in the United States that still houses its original governmental functions. Constructed from 1803 to 1812, New York City Hall is a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Blue Room ![]() World Trade Center When the World Trade Center towers were completed in 1973 many felt them to be sterile monstrosities, even though they were the world's tallest buildings at that time. But most New Yorkers became fond of "The Twin Towers" and after the initial horror for the loss of life in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks there came great sadness for the loss of the buildings. The complex, located in the heart of New York City's downtown financial district, contained 1.24 million m² of office space, almost four percent of Manhattan's entire office inventory. ![]() Manicipal Building The Manhattan Municipal Building is a 40-story building built to accommodate increased governmental space demands after the 1898 consolidation of New York City from The Five Boroughs. Standing 580 feet (177 m) tall, its highest point is the second largest statue in Manhattan. The Municipal Building is one of the largest governmental buildings in the world. Thirteen civic agencies of New York City and a public radio station are located in the building, and 28,000 New Yorkers are married inside of it each year. There are 25 floors of work space (served by 33 elevators), with an additional 15 stories in the tower. Arch of Constantine Civic Fame ![]() Garibaldi Monument Washington Square Park Washington Square Park is one of the best-known of New York City's 1,700 public parks. At 39,000 m², it is a major landmark in the Manhattan neighborhood of Greenwich Village, as well as a popular meeting place and center for cultural activity. It is operated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Most of the buildings surrounding the park now belong to New York University. The university rents the park for its graduation ceremonies, and uses the Arch as a symbol. ![]() Jefferson Market Library Greenwich Village Greenwich Village is formerly known as the "Bohemian quarters" of the literary and artistic world. Its many quaint streets, curio shops and outdoor shows maintain a continuous sightseeing appeal. Artists, writers, sculptors, composers, poets, actors make their homes in the Village. The Outdoor Art Exhibits are a colourful affair held twice a year in the Village. ![]() Chinatown The Chinatown is an ethnic enclave with a large population of Chinese immigrants, similar to other Chinatown districts in American cities. By the 1980s it became the largest enclave of Chinese immigrants in the Western Hemisphere. By 1870, there was a Chinese population of 200. By the time the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was passed, the population was up to 2,000 residents. By 1900, there were 7,000 Chinese residents, but fewer than 200 Chinese women. ![]() Broadway The city's 39 largest theatres are collectively known as "Broadway” . Broadway theatre is the most prestigious form of professional theatre in the U.S., as well as the most well known to the general public and most lucrative for the performers, technicians and others involved in putting on the shows. ![]() Woolworth Building The Woolworth Building , at 55 stories, is one of the oldest and one of the most famous skyscrapers in New York City. With splendor and a resemblance to European Gothic cathedrals, the structure was labeled the Cathedral of Commerce. The structure has a long association with higher education, housing a number of Fordham University schools in the early 20th century. Today the building houses, among other tenants, Control Group Inc, and the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies' Center for Global Affairs. ![]() Brooklyn Bridge The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, stretches 1825 m over the East River connecting the Manhattan and Brooklyn. On completion, it was the largest suspension bridge in the world and the first steel-wire suspension bridge. The bridge cost $15.1 million to build and approximately 27 people died during its construction. A week after the opening, on May 30 1883 a rumor that the Bridge was going to break down caused a stampede which crushed and then killed twelve people. ![]() Pennsylvania Station Pennsylvania Station is the major intercity rail station and a major commuter rail hub. The station is located in the underground levels of Pennsylvania Plaza. Penn Station is at the center of the Northeast Corridor, an electrified passenger rail line extending south to Washington, D.C. and north to Boston. The station saw 4.3 million Amtrak boardings in 2004, more than double the traffic at the next busiest station, 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. ![]() Times Square Times Square is at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Times Square consists of the blocks between Sixth and Eighth Avenues from east to west, and West 40th and West 53rd Streets from south to north, making up the western part of the commercial area of Midtown Manhattan. Smaller than Red Square in Moscow or Trafalgar Square in London, Times Square has nonetheless achieved the status of an iconic world landmark and has become a symbol of its home city. Times Square is principally defined by its animated, digital advertisements. ![]() Empire State Building The Empire State Building rises to 381 m at the 102nd floor, and its full structural height (including broadcast antenna) reaches 443 m. The building has 85 stories of commercial and office space and an indoor and outdoor observation deck on the 86th floor. The remaining 16 stories represent the spire, which is capped by a 102nd floor observatory, and atop the spire is an antenna topped off with a lightning rod. The Empire State Building is the first building to have more than 100 floors. It has 6,500 windows, 73 elevators and there are 1,860 steps from street level to the 102nd floor. It has a total floor area of approximately 254,000 m². ![]() Public Library The New York Public Library (NYPL) is one of the leading public libraries of the world and is one of America's most significant research libraries. It is composed of a very large circulating public library system combined with a very large non-lending research library system. NYPL consists of 86 libraries in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island: four non-lending research libraries, four main lending libraries, a library for the blind and physically handicapped, and 77 neighborhood branch libraries. All libraries in the NYPL system may be used free of charge by all visitors. ![]() United Nations Headquarters The United Nations Headquarters occupies six block area. The 39-story Secretariat Building houses offices of about 5,000 persons of different nationalities who form the administrative organ of the United Nations. The shallow-domed General Assembly is the meeting-place of the representatives of the member nations. The regular session is held annually beginning in the fall . ![]() Rockfeller Center GE Building Rockefeller Center is "a city within a city“. It is the largest private building project ever undertaken in modern times It is a complex of 19 commercial buildings with its own restaurants, stores, theatres, post-offices. In winter its plaza is transformed from an outdoor restaurant to an ice-skating pond Radio City Music Hall, where some of the nation's most popular movies have their first showing along with a spectacular stage show, is one of New York's greatest attractions. ![]() Madison Square Garden Madison Square Garden has been the name of four arenas in New York City. It is also the name of the entity which owns the arena and several of the professional sports franchises which play there. There have been four incarnations of the arena. It is the largest indoor stadium in the city, home of all kinds of sports, public events and elaborate entertainments. Basketball court ![]() Chrysler Building The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco skyscraper. It has 77 stories. Standing 319 meters high, it was originally built to house the Chrysler Corporation. The spire, measuring 58.4 meters long and composed of Nirosta stainless steel was hoisted to the top of the building on October 23, 1929. The lobby is similarly elegant and a must see for tourists. When the building first opened, it contained a public viewing gallery near the top, which a few years later was changed into a restaurant. The former observation floor became a private dining room called the Cloud Club. The very top stories of the building are narrow with low sloped ceilings, useful only to hold radio broadcasting and other mechanical and electrical equipment. Elevator ![]() Museum of Modern Art The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is a preeminent art museum. It is regarded as the leading museum of modern art in the world. Its collection includes works of architecture and design, drawings, painting and sculpture, photography, prints and illustrated books, film, and media. MoMA's library and archives are a major resource and hold over 300,000 books, artist books, and periodicals, as well as individual files on more than 70,000 artists. The archives contain primary source material related to the history of modern and contemporary art. ![]() St.Patrick's Cathedral St. Patrick's Cathedral is the largest decorated Neo-Gothic-style Catholic cathedral in North America. It is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, and a parish church, located just across the street from Rockefeller Center. The eight deceased archbishops of New York, six of them Cardinals, are buried in a crypt under the former high altar, visible from the entrance to the Lady Chapel in the rear of the cathedral. ![]() Central Park Central Park is a large public park (3.41 km). With about twenty-five million visitors annually, Central Park is the most visited city park in the United States, and its appearance in many movies and television shows has made it among the most famous city parks in the world. Central Park contains several artificial lakes, extensive walking tracks, two ice-skating rinks, a wildlife sanctuary, and grassy areas and playgrounds for children. The park is a popular oasis for migrating birds. ![]() Philharmonic Hall Lincoln Center The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, which includes Jazz at Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Opera, the New York City Opera, the New York Philharmonic, the New York City Ballet, the Vivian Beaumont Theatre, The Juilliard School and Alice Tully Hall, is the largest performing arts center in the United States. New York State Theater Metropolitan Opera House ![]() Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum , founded in 1937, is a modern art museum. It is the last major work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the world's most prominent and influential architects. From the street, the building looks approximately like a white ribbon curled into a cylindrical stack, slightly wider at the top than the bottom. Paintings are displayed along the walls of the spiral and also in viewing rooms found at stages along the way. The Guggenheim was founded to showcase avant-garde art by early modernists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian. ![]() Museum of Natural History The American Museum of Natural History has a scientific staff of more than 200, and sponsors over 100 special field expeditions each year. The Museum boasts habitat groups of African, Asian and North American mammals, the "Star of India", the largest blue sapphire in the world, an interesting illustration of the growth and development of man. The Hayden Planetarium, connected to the museum, is now part of the Rose Center for Earth and Space, housed in a glass cube containing the spherical Space Theater. Day 117 Planetarium ![]() Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world's largest and most important art museums. The main building is located on the eastern edge of Central Park. The Met's permanent collection contains more than two million works of art, divided into nineteen curatorial departments. In addition to its permanent exhibitions, the Met organizes and hosts large traveling shows throughout the year. Roman Statue Middle Age Hall ![]() The Cloisters The Cloisters is the branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art dedicated to the art and architecture of the European middle ages. The Cloisters include the museum building and the adjacent 16,000 m². The Cloisters collection contains approximately five thousand European medieval works of art, with a particular emphasis on pieces dating from the twelfth through the fifteen centuries. Crucifixion Cloisters-garden ![]() Columbia University Columbia University is a private research university in the United States. It has the most Nobel Prize affiliations of any institution in the USA. It is home to the prestigious Pulitzer Prize, which, for over a century, has rewarded outstanding achievement in journalism, literature and music. It has been the birthplace of FM radio, the first American university to offer anthropology and political science as academic disciplines, and where the foundation of modern genetics was discovered. Its Morningside Heights campus was the first North American site where the uranium atom was split. Butler Library ![]() Спасибо за внимание! multiurok.ru Разработка урока английского языка в 9-м классе по теме "Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка"![]() Разделы: Иностранные языки Цель: Формирование личности учащегося, обладающего необходимыми знаниями и умениями по теме «Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка» и способного к дальнейшему изучению страны изучаемого языка. Задачи урока:
Оснащение урока: магнитофон, интерактивная доска, дидактический раздаточный материал, карта Нью-Йорка. План урока: I. Организационный момент. Hello, boys and girls! This year Misha and his friends Rob, Mark and Emily are going to spend some time in America. Together with them you’ll learn a lot of about this country. Before we start, let’s see how much you already know about America. II. Речевая зарядка: Please, answer the questions (фронтально):
Ш. Основная часть:
Tapescript: Emily: What would you like to do today, guys? Misha: I’d like to see New York’s most famous sights: the Empire State Building, the Chrysler and the Pan American buildings. Rob: I agree with you. Skyscrapers are really interesting. Let’s go for a walk and do some sightseeing. Mark: And I’d like to see Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. Emily: Well, we don’t have too much time. Let’s do the main part of Manhattan today. It has a lot of attractions and you’ll be able to get a good first impression. If we don’t have enough time for Central Park, we’ll do it tomorrow. Misha: What’s Manhattan? Mark: Come on, Misha. Don’t you know? New York is on the Hudson river and consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. I’ve read about them. Emily: You’re right. We should see them all, but Manhattan is the heart of our city, so let’s start with it. (Заслушиваются ответы ребят).
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