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Классный час на тему "Милый сердцу уголок". Достопримечательности подрезковоПанорама Подрезково (микрорайон). Виртуальный тур Подрезково (микрорайон). Достопримечательности, карта, фото, видео.История История посёлка начинается с 1908 года, когда здесь была образована железнодорожная платформа «Подрезково», названная от усадьбы инженера-путейца Н. А. Подрезкова и дачного посёлка с таким же названием. В 1936 году посёлок начал стремительно застраиваться, и в итоге посёлок Подрезково существенно расширился в сторону Москвы. После войны в посёлке находилась выведенная из Германии воинская часть, для размещения офицеров и солдат которой было построено десять домов и семь бараков-казарм (в данный момент снесены и построен микрорайон «Синявинский» Молжаниновского района). В то же время велось строительство каменных домов, был проложен водопровод, сооружена котельная. В 1951 году была открыта платформа Новоподрезково; так же стала именоваться и новая часть посёлка, построенная в послевоенные годы. В 1953 году начала работать Новоподрезковская средняя школа, а в 1967 году она переместилась во вновь построенное трёхэтажное здание. В 1963 году Новоподрезково получило статус посёлка городского типа; при этом в его состав был включён посёлок Подрезково. Кроме того, в подчинение Новоподрезковского поселкового совета перешёл посёлок Спартак и форелевое хозяйство «Сходня». Рядом с платформой Подрезково расположен дачный посёлок «Октябрьский» и лыжная база «Динамо». В 1984 году восемь улиц п.г.т. Новоподрезково (около 200 частных домов и 570 человек), расположенных в восточной части посёлка, вошли в состав Москвы, ныне Молжаниновский район, а остальная, бо́льшая его часть осталась в Химкинском районе. 20 июля 1988 года решением № 10 исполкома Новоподрезковского поселкового Совета народных депутатов Химкинского района Московской области утверждён герб Новоподрезково (авторы — Константин и Юрий Моченовы). Герб представляет собой щит, разделённый по диагонали на две части. В правой части щита, в голубом поле, — фигура лыжника, что символизирует значимость окрестностей посёлка как любимого места зимнего отдыха жителей Москвы и Подмосковья; при этом голубой цвет указывает на принадлежность лыжно-спортивной базы посёлка обществу «Динамо». В левой части — стилизованное изображение Экспериментального завода древесностружечных плит и деталей; на принадлежность завода к лесоперерабатывающей промышленности указывает зелёный цвет поля. Деление щита по диагонали произведено изображением железной дороги: указание на то, что в посёлке есть платформа Октябрьской магистрали. В вольной части щита — башня Московского Кремля. Остальные структурные единицы микрорайона собственных гербов не имеют. В 2004 году происходило объединение населённых пунктов Химкинского района. Так, 19 июля посёлок Новогорск, деревня Кирилловка, посёлок подсобного… ... (Русский)Классный час на тему "Милый сердцу уголок"Шмидль Ольга Владимировна Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 20 г. Химки. Классный час «Милый сердцу уголок» Цели:
Задача: - способствовать воспитанию чувства уважения, гордости, патриотизма , формированию гражданской позиции, национально-нравственных устоев учащихся, любви к своей стране и малой родине. Ход урока Привет тебе, мой край родной, С твоими темными лесами, С твоей великою рекой И с необъятными полями! Привет тебе, народ родимый Герой труда неутомимый Среди зимы и в летний зной! Привет тебе, мой край родной! Классный руководитель: Дорогие ребята! Вы родились в стране, которая называется Россией. Вы – россияне! Россия – огромная страна. Привольно раскинулась она от снегов и льдов Крайнего Севера до Черного и Азовского морей на юге. Есть в России высокие горы, полноводные реки, глубокие озера, густые леса и бескрайние степи. Есть и маленькие речушки, светлые березовые рощи, солнечные полянки, болота и поля. Мы гордимся нашей великой Родиной, ее природой, ее талантливыми людьми. Ученик: Если скажут слово «родина», Сразу в памяти встаёт Старый дом, в саду смородина, Толстый тополь у ворот. У реки берёзка – скромница И ромашковый бугор… А другим, наверно, вспомнится Свой родной московский двор. В лужах первые кораблики, Над скакалкой топот ног И большой соседней фабрики Громкий радостный гудок. Или степь: от маков красная, Золотая целина… Родина бывает разная, Но у всех она одна. Классный руководитель: Но у каждого из нас есть тот уголок, где вы родились, где живут ваши родители и друзья, где находится ваш родной дом. Это ваша малая Родина Не случайно в трудные критические минуты своей жизни люди вспоминают место, где родились, то есть свою малую Родину. Сегодня мы с вами поговорим о нашей малой родине, о микрорайоне Подрезково города Химки. Ученики читают стихотворение: А в родимом краю и березки другие, И душистей сирень, зеленей тополек. Много мест на земле, только в нашей России, Может каждый по сердцу найти уголок . Может, где-то, в лесу, в чистом поле, быть может, Может, у океана, на дикой скале, Человек, своей жизни, фундамент заложит И свой выстроит дом, лучший дом на земле. И введет в дом жену, без хозяйки он пуст, И ребенок родится, как положено, в срок На большой своей Родине, с именем Русь, Назовет малой Родиной, тот уголок. И куда бы он не был заброшен судьбой , И каких бы дорог после не было пройдено, Человек будет знать, у него за спиной, Есть всегда крепкий тыл - его малая Родина Ученик: Географическое положение микрорайона Подрезково Между Ленинградским шоссе на севере и Октябрьской железной дорогой на юге, в 27 км от столицы России – Москвы расположился наш микрорайон Подрезково. Удобное положение между транспортными путями близостью столицы- способствовало его заселению и развитию хозяйства. Территория Подрезково расположена на русской платформе в прогибе, называемой Московской котловиной. Сложена она древними кристаллическими породами, которые залегают на разной глубине, а над ними лежат более молодые отложения различного возраста ниже 200 м уровня моря. Поэтому известняки, долмиты и гипсы не выходят на поверхность, а разноцветные глины и пески нерского периода выходят на поверхность. Ученик: Подрезково – глинистый край. Ходишь по глине – смотри не зевай. Сбился немного ты с торной дороги, Вынешь из глины без обуви ноги. Ученик: История микрорайона Подрезково Возникновению Подрезково предшествовало образование в 1908 г. железнодорожной платформы, получившей свое название от усадьбы инженера-путейца Н.А.Подрезкова, и одноименного дачного поселка. В 1936 г. в Подрезково началось активное строительство жилых домов, в результате чего поселок значительно расширился в сторону Москвы. После окончания Великой Отечественной войны здесь была размещена воинская часть, выведенная из Германии, для ее солдат и офицеров построили 7 бараков-казарм и 10 домиков. Одновременно шло дальнейшее расширение поселка, строились каменные дома, котельная, был проложен водопровод. В 1951 г., после открытия платформы Новоподрезково, ее название перешло к новой части поселка, появившейся в послевоенный период. В 1963 г. Новоподрезково получило статус рабочего поселка городского типа. В его состав вошел поселок Подрезково, также Новоподрезковскому поссовету был подчинен поселок Спартак и форелевое хозяйство «Сходня». Около платформы Подрезково расположена лыжная база «Динамо» и дачный кооператив «Октябрьский». В 1984 г., в связи с расширением границ Москвы, восточная часть Новоподрезково (8 улиц) была включена в состав столицы, но большая его часть осталось в составе Химкинского района. В настоящее время микрорайон Подрезково входит в городской округ Химки. Ученик: Природа Подрезково Там небо осветленный край Средь темных пятен, Там разговор гусиных стай Так внятен, Свободен, весел и селён Вдали любимой Я слышу непомерный звон Неуспаримый. Там осень сумрачным пером Широко реет Там старый лес под топором Реет. Ученик: Сколько любви, сколько нежности и тоски по родному краю в этих строках. И, действительно, где ни был человек, он всегда вспоминает Родину, и чаще всего в узком понимании этого великого слова. Он вспоминает тот лес, луг, речку, те деревья и травы, тот воздух, то щебетание птиц, которые до боли знакомы с самого детства. Наше Подрезково находится на территории лесопаркового защитного пояса Москвы и поэтому то богатство, которое хранит наша природа, является желанным не только для нас, жителей Подрезково, но и для многих городских жителей, которые нередко приезжают сюда на свидание с природой. Ученик: Культура и достопримечательности ПодрезковоСтоит отметить, что в поселке Подрезково находится удивительно красивый хвойный лес, в глубине которого можно увидеть освященный родник. Заросшая лощина превратилась в поистине святой уголок в 2004 году. Именно тогда была построена часовня над истоком, проведено освещение и проложены каменные ступени. Для тех, кому хочется расслабиться и отдохнуть здесь была специально оборудована площадка с цветочными клумбами и лавочками. Основной достопримечательностью поселка Подрезково является Церковь Рождества Христова, которая была основана еще в 16 веке. К храму были пристроены два существующих ныне придела – Иконы святителя Николая и Казанской Божьей Матери. Ученик:Спортивная жизнь ПодрезковоМикрорайон Подрезково дает возможность вести достаточно активную спортивную жизнь. На данный момент в нем популярен горнолыжный склон. Он хорошо известен уже с 1960-х гг. На правом склоне берегу реки Сходня было специально проложено несколько трасс. Склон довольно разнообразен по своему рельефу. Это позволяет варьировать спуски, выбирая их в соответствии со своими возможностями и вкусами: бугристые и ровные, пологие и крутые, с большими или маленькими трамплинами. Здесь есть все самое необходимое: уютные раздевалки, инструкторы, пункты проката. Свежий воздух, прекрасная природа – все это способствует прекрасному времяпрепровождению в микрорайоне. Ученик: Герб Подрезково утвержден в 1988 году. Щит герба скошен с помощью перевязи, компонованной чернью и серебром. В первом голубом поле спускающийся с горы лыжник; во втором зеленом поле - силуэты зданий и заводской трубы. В вольной части щита знак принадлежности к Московской области (стилизованная башня Кремля со звездой). Ученик: Малая Родина – Островок земли. Под окном смородина, Вишни расцвели. Яблоня кудрявая, А под ней скамья – Ласковая малая Родина моя! Классный руководитель: Наш классный час подошел к концу. Россия, Родина, малая родина. Такие до боли родные слова. Жизнь разбрасывает людей в разные уголки Земли. Но где-бы мы ни были, ваш родной край всегда будет для нас тем светлым огоньком, который будет своим ярким светом звать нас в родные края. Историю своей страны и своего рода должен знать любой уважающий себя человек. Используемая литература:
www.mosoblpress.ru Подрезково (микрорайон) - WikiVisually1. Герб – A coat of arms is an heraldic visual design on an escutcheon, surcoat, or tabard. The coat of arms on an escutcheon forms the central element of the heraldic achievement which in its whole consists of shield, supporters, crest. A coat of arms is traditionally unique to a person, family, state. The ancient Romans used similar insignia on their shields, but these identified military units rather than individuals, the first evidence of medieval coats of arms has been attributed to the 11th century Bayeux Tapestry in which some of the combatants carry shields painted with crosses. However, that heraldic interpretation remains controversial, coats of arms came into general use by feudal lords and knights in battle in the 12th century. By the 13th century, arms had spread beyond their initial battlefield use to become a flag or emblem for families in the social classes of Europe. Exactly who had a right to use arms, by law or social convention, in the German-speaking regions both the aristocracy and burghers used arms, while in most of the rest of Europe they were limited to the aristocracy. The use of spread to the clergy, to towns as civic identifiers. Flags developed from coats of arms, and the arts of vexillology, the coats of arms granted to commercial companies are a major source of the modern logo. Despite no widespread regulation, heraldry has remained consistent across Europe, some nations, like England and Scotland, still maintain the same heraldic authorities which have traditionally granted and regulated arms for centuries and continue to do so in the present day. In England, for example, the granting of arms is and has controlled by the College of Arms. Unlike seals and other emblems, heraldic achievements have a formal description called a blazon. Many societies exist that also aid in the design and registration of personal arms, in the heraldic traditions of England and Scotland, an individual, rather than a family, had a coat of arms. In those traditions coats of arms are legal property transmitted from father to son, wives, undifferenced arms are used only by one person at any given time. Other descendants of the bearer could bear the ancestral arms only with some difference. One such charge is the label, which in British usage is now always the mark of an apparent or an heir presumptive. Because of their importance in identification, particularly in seals on legal documents and this has been carried out by heralds and the study of coats of arms is therefore called heraldry. In time, the use of arms spread from military entities to educational institutes, the author Helen Stuart argues that some coats of arms were a form of corporate logo 2. Химки – Khimki is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia,19 kilometres northwest of central Moscow. Khimki is asserted by many as the nearest point German forces reached in their advance on Moscow in World War II, Khimki was initially a railway station that existed since 1850 on the Moscow – Saint Petersburg Railway. The Moskva-Volga Canal was constructed between 1932 and 1937 on which Khimki lies on the west bank, Khimki was then officially founded in 1939. The German attack starting the Battle of Moscow began on 2 October 1941, the attack on a broad front brought German forces to occupy the village of Krasnaya Polyana to Moscows North West. Krasnaya Polyana was taken on 30 November, many sources state that at least one German army patrol visited Khimki. Similarly many sources state this as the closest point the Germans reached to Moscow, among the sources stating the Germans visited Khimki the details of the date and unit involved are inconsistent and disputed. One story of events asserts a skirmish took place in Khimki on 16 October at the Leningradskoe Shosse bridge involving a German motorcycle unit, another account is a patrol reached Khimki around 30 November or early December before returning to its main unit without combat. The dates mentioned for this second account vary, a myth surrounding this is that the Germans would have been able to see the Kremlin in the distance from Khimki. The Soviet Army counter offensive for removing the threat to Moscow started on 5 December on the North-Western Front. The South-Western Front and Western Fronts began their offensives on 6 December, the German forces were driven back. Moscow was never under such close land threat again during the war, a memorial in the form of a giant tank trap is located at the Kilometer 23 point 55°54′46. 103″N 37°24′10. 577″E) of Leningradskoye Highway. The memorial is one mile south east of Planernaya Railway Station, the memorial was unveiled on 6 December 1966 as a 25th anniversary recognition of the launch of the Soviet counter offensive. This location is just short of an intersection with the Moscow-St Petersburg railway and this memorial and shopping centre on the Northern side of Khimki has a direct distance of 22 kilometres from Moscow city centre. At the time of the conflict this location was outside Khimki and this memorial is different to the Khimki War Memorial moved in 2007 to in Novoluzhinskoe cemetery. Khimki was home to several Soviet aerospace defense development centers that became the principal employers for the majority of the city population, for this reason, Khimki was off limits for all foreigners visiting the country, despite its location on a highway between Moscow and its major international airport. In 2010 the city saw protests over the construction of the new Moscow–Saint Petersburg motorway through the Khimki Forest, currently, the city of Khimki is directly adjacent to the territory of the city of Moscow. Population,207,425,141,000,132, within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Khimki City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Khimki City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Khimki Urban Okrug, the city enjoys a great deal of commercial activity due to its location between Moscow and one of its main airports, Sheremetyevo 3. Микрорайон – Microdistrict, or microraion, is a residential complex—a primary structural element of the residential area construction in the Soviet Union and in some post-Soviet and former Communist states. Residential districts in most of the cities and towns in Russia, major motor roads or through streets were not to cross microdistricts territories. The entrances to a microdistricts territory were to be located no further than 300 meters apart, standards also regulated the accessibility of the public service buildings by imposing a 500-meter limit as the farthest distance from any residential dwelling. One of the tasks was to ensure that the fewest number of public buildings was built to cover the microdistricts territory in accordance with the norms. The exact number of buildings of each type depended on the distance requirement, the history of microdistricts as an urban planning concept dates back to the 1920s when the Soviet Union experienced a very fast rate of urbanization. These complexes were seen as an opportunity to build a collective society, in the 1930s, residential complexes grew in size, covering territories of up to five to six hectares. A system of building residential complexes was gradually replaced with a concept of a city block, such blocks generally comprised residential buildings along the perimeter, and residential buildings intermingled with public service buildings in the inner area. The system of the city also required a developed network of roads, thus increasing the maintenance and construction costs. 1940s and 1950s saw further enlargement and grouping of the city blocks, however, new construction was based on the same principles as in the previous decades and could not keep up with the increasing housing demand. Labor-intensive industrialization of the country demanded more workers, which was hard to achieve with housing accommodations lacking, Soviet authorities revisited issues of urban planning in the mid-1950s. The new urban planning concept built on the concept of residential districts, consisting of several microdistricts, in larger cities, residential districts were grouped into urban zones, the population of which could reach one million. Each microdistrict provided the population with facilities needed on a daily basis, such drastic reduction of building costs was necessary because flats in the new blocks were given to the citizens free of charge at the time. Humorous insights into the consequences of living in such a bland. The dissolution of the Soviet Union led to a decline in the volume of residential construction. During the 1990s, urban planning was ignored as there was virtually no new construction. 2000s brought slow growth to the volume of housing construction, as well as heightened criticisms of the microdistrict model, since the mid-2000s, many apartment blocks have either been modernised or replaced with modern skyscrapers. In China, this type of unit is known as Xiaoqu. First built in the 1980s, preceding the Chinese economic reform, Xiaoqu similarly promoted a sense of community among the inhabitants 4. Москва – Moscow is the capital and most populous city of Russia, with 13.2 million residents within the city limits and 17.8 million within the urban area. Moscow has the status of a Russian federal city, Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city entirely on the European continent. Moscow is the northernmost and coldest megacity and metropolis on Earth and it is home to the Ostankino Tower, the tallest free standing structure in Europe, the Federation Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Europe, and the Moscow International Business Center. Moscow is situated on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District of European Russia, the city is well known for its architecture, particularly its historic buildings such as Saint Basils Cathedral with its brightly colored domes. Moscow is the seat of power of the Government of Russia, being the site of the Moscow Kremlin, the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are also one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. Both chambers of the Russian parliament also sit in the city and it is recognized as one of the citys landmarks due to the rich architecture of its 200 stations. In old Russian the word also meant a church administrative district. The demonym for a Moscow resident is москвич for male or москвичка for female, the name of the city is thought to be derived from the name of the Moskva River. There have been proposed several theories of the origin of the name of the river and its cognates include Russian, музга, muzga pool, puddle, Lithuanian, mazgoti and Latvian, mazgāt to wash, Sanskrit, majjati to drown, Latin, mergō to dip, immerse. There exist as well similar place names in Poland like Mozgawa, the original Old Russian form of the name is reconstructed as *Москы, *Mosky, hence it was one of a few Slavic ū-stem nouns. From the latter forms came the modern Russian name Москва, Moskva, in a similar manner the Latin name Moscovia has been formed, later it became a colloquial name for Russia used in Western Europe in the 16th–17th centuries. From it as well came English Muscovy, various other theories, having little or no scientific ground, are now largely rejected by contemporary linguists. The surface similarity of the name Russia with Rosh, an obscure biblical tribe or country, the oldest evidence of humans on the territory of Moscow dates from the Neolithic. Within the modern bounds of the city other late evidence was discovered, on the territory of the Kremlin, Sparrow Hills, Setun River and Kuntsevskiy forest park, etc. The earliest East Slavic tribes recorded as having expanded to the upper Volga in the 9th to 10th centuries are the Vyatichi and Krivichi, the Moskva River was incorporated as part of Rostov-Suzdal into the Kievan Rus in the 11th century. By AD1100, a settlement had appeared on the mouth of the Neglinnaya River. The first known reference to Moscow dates from 1147 as a place of Yuri Dolgoruky. At the time it was a town on the western border of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality 5. Санкт-Петербург – Saint Petersburg is Russias second-largest city after Moscow, with five million inhabitants in 2012, and an important Russian port on the Baltic Sea. It is politically incorporated as a federal subject, situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on May 271703. In 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd, in 1924 to Leningrad, between 1713 and 1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of imperial Russia. In 1918, the government bodies moved to Moscow. Saint Petersburg is one of the cities of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saint Petersburg is home to The Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world. A large number of consulates, international corporations, banks. Swedish colonists built Nyenskans, a fortress, at the mouth of the Neva River in 1611, in a then called Ingermanland. A small town called Nyen grew up around it, Peter the Great was interested in seafaring and maritime affairs, and he intended to have Russia gain a seaport in order to be able to trade with other maritime nations. He needed a better seaport than Arkhangelsk, which was on the White Sea to the north, on May 1703121703, during the Great Northern War, Peter the Great captured Nyenskans, and soon replaced the fortress. On May 271703, closer to the estuary 5 km inland from the gulf), on Zayachy Island, he laid down the Peter and Paul Fortress, which became the first brick and stone building of the new city. The city was built by conscripted peasants from all over Russia, tens of thousands of serfs died building the city. Later, the city became the centre of the Saint Petersburg Governorate, Peter moved the capital from Moscow to Saint Petersburg in 1712,9 years before the Treaty of Nystad of 1721 ended the war, he referred to Saint Petersburg as the capital as early as 1704. During its first few years, the city developed around Trinity Square on the bank of the Neva, near the Peter. However, Saint Petersburg soon started to be built out according to a plan, by 1716 the Swiss Italian Domenico Trezzini had elaborated a project whereby the city centre would be located on Vasilyevsky Island and shaped by a rectangular grid of canals. The project was not completed, but is evident in the layout of the streets, in 1716, Peter the Great appointed French Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond as the chief architect of Saint Petersburg. In 1724 the Academy of Sciences, University and Academic Gymnasium were established in Saint Petersburg by Peter the Great, in 1725, Peter died at the age of fifty-two. His endeavours to modernize Russia had met opposition from the Russian nobility—resulting in several attempts on his life 6. Октябрьская железная дорога – The 1,520 mm broad gauge Oktyabrskaya Railway or October Railway, which forms part of RZD, is the oldest railway in Russia, located in the north-west of the country. It stretches from Moscows Leningrad Terminal in the south to Murmansk beyond the Arctic Circle in the north, the total length of the lines is over 10,000 km. The headquarters of the railway are located in Saint Petersburg, the first railway in Russia connecting Saint Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo,27.9 km long, commissioned in 1837, is a part of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. So is the Moscow – Saint Petersburg Railway, the second oldest and one of the most busy lines in Russia and it also includes the main line towards Tallinn, providing the track for GO Rail trains to Saint Petersburg. Stations include Ozyornaya, Yuny and Pionerskaya 7. Усадьба – A manor house was historically the main residence of the lord of the manor. The term is loosely applied to various country houses, frequently dating from the late medieval era. They were sometimes fortified, but this was intended more for show than for defence. Manor houses existed in most European countries where feudalism existed, where they were known as castles, palaces. Many buildings, such as schools, are named Manor, the reason behind this is because the building was or is close to a manor house. The lord of the manor may have several properties within a county or, for example in the case of a feudal baron, spread across a kingdom. A large and suitable building was required within the manor for such purpose, generally in the form of a hall. This also gave the opportunity for the manor house to be cleaned, especially important in the days of the cess-pit. Thus such non-resident lords needed to appoint a steward or seneschal to act as their deputy in such matters, the day-to-day administration was carried out by a resident official in authority at each manor, who in England was called a bailiff, or reeve. Although not typically built with strong fortifications as were castles, many manor-houses were fortified and they were often enclosed within walls or ditches which often also included agricultural buildings. The primary feature of the house was its great hall. A late 16th-century transformation produced many of the smaller Renaissance châteaux of France, the Tudor period of stability in England saw the building of the first of the unfortified great houses, for example Sutton Place in Surrey, circa 1521. During the second half of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and under her successor King James I the first mansions designed by architects not by mere masons or builders, began to make their appearance. Such houses as Burghley House, Longleat House, and Hatfield House are among the best known of this period, nearly every large mediaeval manor house had its own deer-park adjoining, emparked by royal licence, which served primarily as a store of food in the form of venison. Within these licensed parks deer could not be hunted by royalty and this gave them more privacy and space. Court was a suffix which came into use in the 16th century, the obvious origin of the suffix would appear to be that the building was the location where the manorial courts were held. True castles, when not royal castles, were generally the residences of feudal barons, the manor on which the castle was situated was termed the caput of the barony, thus every true ancient defensive castle was also the manor house of its own manor. The suffix -Park came into use in the 18th and 19th centuries, the usage is often a modern catch-all suffix for an old house on an estate, true manor or not 8. Германия – Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. It includes 16 constituent states, covers an area of 357,021 square kilometres, with about 82 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member state of the European Union. After the United States, it is the second most popular destination in the world. Germanys capital and largest metropolis is Berlin, while its largest conurbation is the Ruhr, other major cities include Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf and Leipzig. Various Germanic tribes have inhabited the northern parts of modern Germany since classical antiquity, a region named Germania was documented before 100 AD. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded southward, beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century, northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant Reformation, in 1871, Germany became a nation state when most of the German states unified into the Prussian-dominated German Empire. After World War I and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic, the establishment of the national socialist dictatorship in 1933 led to World War II and the Holocaust. After a period of Allied occupation, two German states were founded, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in 1990, the country was reunified. In the 21st century, Germany is a power and has the worlds fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP. As a global leader in industrial and technological sectors, it is both the worlds third-largest exporter and importer of goods. Germany is a country with a very high standard of living sustained by a skilled. It upholds a social security and universal health system, environmental protection. Germany was a member of the European Economic Community in 1957. It is part of the Schengen Area, and became a co-founder of the Eurozone in 1999, Germany is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the G8, the G20, and the OECD. The national military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world, the English word Germany derives from the Latin Germania, which came into use after Julius Caesar adopted it for the peoples east of the Rhine. This in turn descends from Proto-Germanic *þiudiskaz popular, derived from *þeudō, descended from Proto-Indo-European *tewtéh₂- people, the discovery of the Mauer 1 mandible shows that ancient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000 years ago. The oldest complete hunting weapons found anywhere in the world were discovered in a mine in Schöningen where three 380, 000-year-old wooden javelins were unearthed 9. Офицер – An officer is a member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of authority. In this sense, officers are not enlisted, but hold appointments from their government that typically remain in force indefinitely unless resigned, the proportion of officers varies greatly. Officers typically make up between an eighth and a fifth of modern armed forces personnel, in 2013, officers were the senior 17% of the British armed forces, and the senior 13. 7% of the French armed forces. In 2012, officers made up about 18% of the German armed forces, historically, however, armed forces have generally had much lower proportions of officers. During the First World War, fewer than 5% of British soldiers were officers, in the early twentieth century, the Spanish army had the highest proportion of officers of any European army, at 12. 5%. Within a nations armed forces, armies tend to have a proportion of officers. For example,13. 9% of British army personnel and 22. 2% of the RAF personnel were officers in 2013, having officers is one requirement for combatant status under the laws of war, though these officers need not have obtained an official commission or warrant. Commissioned officers are typically the only persons, in an armed forces environment, a superior officer is an officer with a higher rank than another officer, who is a subordinate officer relative to the superior. Non-commissioned officers in positions of authority can be said to have control or charge rather than command per se, many advanced militaries require university degrees as a prerequisite for commissioning, even from the enlisted ranks. In the Israel Defense Forces, a university degree is a requirement for an officer to advance to the rank of lieutenant colonel, the IDF often sponsors the studies for its majors, while aircrew and naval officers obtain academic degrees as a part of their training programmes. In the United Kingdom, there are three routes of entry for British Armed Forces officers, the first, and primary route are those who receive their commission directly into the officer grades following completion at their relevant military academy. The third route is similar to the second, in that they convert from an enlisted to a commission, but these are taken from the highest ranks of SNCOs. LE officers, whilst holding the same Queens Commission, generally work in different roles from the DE officers, in the infantry, a number of Warrant Officer Class 1s are commissioned as LE officers. For Royal Navy and Royal Air Force officer candidates, a 30-week period at Britannia Royal Naval College or a 30-week period at RAF College Cranwell, Royal Marines officers receive their training in the Command Wing of the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines during a grueling 15-month course. The courses consist of not only tactical and combat training, but also leadership, management, etiquette, until the Cardwell Reforms of 1871, commissions in the British Army were purchased by officers. The Royal Navy, however, operated on a more meritocratic, or at least socially mobile, AOCS also also included the embedded Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate and Naval Aviation Cadet programs. NAVCADs were personnel who held associates degrees, but lacked bachelors degrees, nAVCADs would complete the entire AOCS program, but would not be commissioned until completion of flight training and receiving their wings. After their initial tour, they would be assigned to a college or university full-time for no more than two years in order to complete their bachelors degree 10. Солдат – A soldier is one who fights as part of an organised, land-based armed force. A soldier can be a person, a non-commissioned officer. The word soldier derives from the Middle English word soudeour, from Old French soudeer or soudeour, meaning mercenary, from soudee, meaning shillings worth or wage, from sou or soud, the word is also related to the Medieval Latin soldarius, meaning soldier. These words ultimately derive from the Late Latin word solidus, referring to an Ancient Roman coin used in the Byzantine Empire. In most armed forces use of the soldier has taken on a more general meaning due to the increasing specialization of military occupations that require different areas of knowledge. In many countries soldiers serving in specific occupations are referred to by other than their occupational name. For example, military personnel in the British Army are known as red caps because of the colour of their caps. Infantry are sometimes called grunts or squaddies, while US Army artillery crews, or gunners, are referred to as redlegs. U. S. soldiers are often called G. I. s, members of the Marine Corps are typically referred to as marines rather than soldiers. In the United States, the term warfighter is often used to refer collectively to all whose job it is to do the actual fighting, the army has not completely phased out this terminology and still uses warfighter in various contexts such as the Project Manager Warfighter Information Network-Tactical. French Marine Infantry are called marsouins because of their amphibious role, Military units in most armies have nicknames of this type, arising either from items of distinctive uniform, some historical connotation or rivalry between branches or regiments. Some soldiers, such as conscripts or draftees, serve a limited term. Others choose to serve until retirement, then receive a pension. In the United States, military members can retire after 20 years, in other countries, the term of service is 30 years, hence the term 30-year man. Airman Marine Military use of children Seaman Media related to Soldier at Wikimedia Commons wikivisually.com Инфраструктура Подрезково![]() Для потенциальных покупателей квартир в Подрезково инфраструктура является одним из ключевых факторов при заключении сделки со строительной компанией ЭКЗ. Уровень развития инфраструктуры определяет комфорт проживания в будущей квартире. Вот почему стоит заранее ознакомиться с многообразием объектов, представленных в районе Химки, и удобством их географического расположения по отношению к ЖК. Конечно, будущим жильцам хотелось бы видеть в шаговой доступности от Жилой комплекс «Подрезково» детский сад и школу, медицинские учреждения, подразделения ЖКХ, магазины и т.д. Насколько подобные представления о благоустроенности микрорайона совпадают с реальностью, вы можете легко узнать на нашем сайте! 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