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Тема Саратов на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе. Достопримечательности самары на английском языке с переводом

Презентация о достопримечательностях г.Самары

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

1 слайд Описание слайда:

project № 2.The sights of my hometown Samara. Выполнила: Семьянцева М.В. Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ им.М.Н. Заводского с.Елховка

2 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara was founded as a border fortress in 1586.

3 слайд Описание слайда:

Today our town is big, beautiful, modern and unusual. There are a lot of sports centres, football stadiums, parks and the zoo.

4 слайд
Описание слайда:

We have nice monuments, famous buildings, churches, galleries, an airport, squares and so on. I want to know you with them: Railway Station and Spaces Museum.

5 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara Drama Theatre is located near Kuybyshev Square. The theatre was named in honor of M.Gorkiy.

6 слайд Описание слайда:

This is a Philharmoic Hall when we can listen plays, classical music and dramatic stories on the stage.

7 слайд Описание слайда:

In summer we can visit banks of the Volga and see nice Riverports .

8 слайд Описание слайда:

Park named after Yuri Gagarin Gagarin Park is located in the Industrial area of Samara. In the middle of the park there is an artificial pond with artificial island. On the outskirts of the park there is a small natural lake.

9 слайд Описание слайда:

Strukovsky garden It is Samara's oldest park. It is located on the Volga River near Samara Drama Theatre.

10 слайд Описание слайда:

A monument to Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev in Samara, established on Chapaeva square in front of the theate drama.

11 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara Puppet Theater State Institution of Samara Region Culture Samara Puppet Theater is based in 1932.

12 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara circus. You should go there, because you can see many acrobats, animals and different tricks.

13 слайд Описание слайда:

In the center is a symbol of Samara - the Monument of Glory. The monument was created in honor of the workers of the aviation industry of the city during the war.

14 слайд Описание слайда:

Kurumoch аirport is located near the village of Birch 35 kilometers North of Samara, in 45 kilometers to the East of Togliatti.

15 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara embankment leading down terraces to the Volga, has a length of over five kilometers and is divided into four sections.

16 слайд Описание слайда:

Samara rook is built in 1986. The height of the monument is20 meters.

17 слайд Описание слайда:

You can also go in the large Samara zoo.This is a great place to see wild animals and birds. Among the animals of the zoo you can see such species as the Amur tigers, lions, brown bears, monkeys, peacocks, crocodiles and other cool animals.

18 слайд Описание слайда:

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Samara - 17 Июня 2010 - Сборник тем

     Samara is the city, which is situated on the Great Russian River Volga. It was founded in 1586 by merchants as a fortress. Samara is situated on the left bank of the Volga and occupies both sides of the mouth of the Samara River. The early history of Samara dates back to Bulgarian people who appeared in the 5th century. Our native city wit­nessed great fires of 1848. 1850 when it was almost ruined.

     At present more than 1,2 mln. people live here. I am proud of my hometown, its places of interest and its traditions.

     Any resident of Samara will tell you that the city's main street is the Volga. This is true in winter when the river is frozen and in summer when hundreds of ships come to the city like snow-white swans over the sparkling waves.

     Large cities, as a rule, are divided into the old" and "new" parts. Samara's old downtown section is like a book of the history of architec­ture. A cocktail of styles prevails in the old city, as everybody in mer­chant Samara didn't want to make his own bank or mansion look like any other building. That led to the variety of styles.

     Our country has quite a few industrial giants. Samara stands out among them for its overall standards of engineering industry. Samara has seen a lot during these years, both loud fame and quite spills. Now it is a great industrial giant with a great number of plants, factories and a developed transport system, including metro lines. There is a great range of industrial production: food and textile, watches and air-planes, tractors and clothes. The goods are exported to different places of our country and abroad.

     Samara is one of the most important railway intersections. Rail­roads of different direction cross here. A new modern and technically equipped railway station appeared in Samara. It is said to be one of the biggest and imposing in Europe. Samara is on route to Asia. The city has a regular communication with all the ports of the Volga basin with an exit to five seas.

     Samara is a great cultural center with universities, academies, a great amount of schools, colleges, professional schools, lyceums and so on.

     There are a lot of museums in Samara: the museum of Local Lore, the Art museum, the A. Tolstoy museum. Many outstanding people vis­ited and lived in Samara. Among them: L. Tolstoy, P. Tchaikovsky, A. Gorky etc. Stalin's bunker is the museum which is most frequently vis­ited by the guests of our city. This unique museum which is a 12 storied building under the level contains documents and photos about the Great Patriotic War when Samara served as the "second capital" of the country.

     P. Alabin lived and worked in Samara He did a lot to make Samara a prosperous city. He started a railway through Samara, built a stone theatre, set up a plumbing, opened History museum, created the city Public Library. There is a museum named after him in Samara.

     Samara enjoys the reputation of being a theatre city. There are a lot of theatres in Samara. They are: the Drama Theatre, the Opera and Bal­let Theatre, the Puppet-Theatre and the theatre of Young Spectator.

     When a new play is on, it is almost impossible to get tickets. There are also a number of Amateur theatres in Samara which make the theatrical life of the city richer.

All our citizens are proud of the embankment of the Volga with trees, flowers and sandy beaches. We like to have a rest on the bank of the Volga. It's a real pleasure to take a river voyage and to admire the beautiful surroundings of the Zhiguly Mountains. You may breathe the fresh river air and travel to many parts of our country.


Тема Тольятти на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе

We would [вуд] like to go sightseeing around [э’раунд] Tolyatti. – Мы бы хотели осмотреть достопримечательности Тольятти.

  • Sightseeing [‘сайт,си:н] — осмотр достопримечательностей
  • To go [гоу] sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности
  • Sightseeing bus [бас]- туристический автобус

You should [шуд] better [‘бэта] take [тэйк] a sightseeing bus.- Вам стоит взять туристический автобус.

  • Industrial [ин’дастриал] – индустриальный
  • Modern [‘мо:ден] — современный

Tolyatti is one [ван] of the largest [ла:джест] industrial and economic [,икэ’номик] centers [‘сэнтаз] of Russia.- Тольятти является одним из индустриальных и экономических центов России.

  • To be known as [‘ноун эз] –быть известным как

Tolyatti is known as the capital [‘кэпитал] of local [‘лоукал] automobile [‘отомо,би:л] building [‘билдин] and machine [ма’ши:н] building industry [‘индастри]. – Тольятти известен как столица автомобиле- и машиностроения.

  • A museum [мъю’зиэм]- музей

You can visit [‘визит] Museum of Technical [‘тэкникал] Equipment [эк’випмэнт] of AvtoVAZ. – Вы можете посетить музей техники завода АвтоВАЗ.

  • A center of the city [‘сэнта оф зе ‘сити] центр города
  • A monument [‘моньюмэнт] – памятник

There are [‘зэара] a lot of [э лот оф] monuments in the center of the city (в центе города много памятников):

  1. a memorial [мэ’мориал] with the Eternal [эл’тьонал] Fire [‘файа] (вечный огонь) and the Glory [глори] Obelisk in memory [‘мэмори] of perished [‘пэришт] during [дйорин] the Second World
  2. War [‘сэканд вьорлд во:] (мемориал славы в память о погибших во Второй Мировой войне)
  3. Victory [‘виктори] Park [па:к] – Парк победы
  4. the monumental composition [кампа’зишн] “Prometheus” [прэу,ми’съюз] – монументальная композиция “Прометей”.
  • A church [чьоч] – церковь
  • A cathedral [кэ’сидрал] — собор

The famous [‘фэймос] Transfiguration [трэнсфигью’рэйшн] Cathedral in Tolyatti is an Orthodox [‘осодокс] Cathedral that [зэт] was built [билт] in 2002 (two thousand two).- Известный в Тольятти Спасо-Преображенский собор является православным храмом, который был построен в 2002 году.

Another [э’назэ] famous churches and cathedrals in Tolyatti (другие известные храмы в Тольятти):

  1. Resurrection [резе’рэкшн] Monastery [‘монастри] – Воскресенский монастырь
  2. Varvarinskaya Church – храм Святой Варвары
  • a gallery [‘гэлэри] – галерея
  • art [а:т] – искусство
  • an exhibition [эгзи’бишн] – выставка

Tolyatti is a cultural [‘калчерал] city with many museums, galleries and exhibitions. – Тольятти — это культурный город с множеством музеев, галерей и выставок.You can visit [‘визит] interesting [‘инт,рестин] exhibitions at [эт] (вы можете посетить интересные выставки в):

  1. Culture and Exhibition Center “Kaleidoscope” – выставочный центр “Калейдоскоп”
  2. Exhibition Hall “Cube” – выставочный центр “Куб”
  3. Art Gallery “The House of Nine” – художественная галерея “Дом Девяти”
  • a park [па:к] – парк

Children [‘чилдрэн] will be [вил би] happy [‘хэпи] to spend time in Funland [‘фан’лэнд] Park. – Дети с удовольствием проведут время в парке развлечений.It was [воз] built [билт] in 1980 (ninety eighty [‘найнти ‘эйти]) by [бай] AvtoVAZ. – Он был построен в 1980 году АвтоВАЗом

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Достопримечательности самары на английском языке

Понять Править

Иверский монастырь в Самаре

Люди в этих местах селились с эпохи неолита. Основанием Самары считается 1586 год, но долгое время это была лишь крепость. Бурно развиваться купеческий город стал в XIX веке, расширяясь от Хлебной площади сразу в двух направлениях: по берегам рек Волги и Самары.

С 1935 по 1991 годы город носил название Куйбышев. В советское время развивалась промышленность, особенно авиакосмическая и оборонная.

Самара — многонациональный город. Здесь живут русские, татары, украинцы, мордва, чуваши, башкиры, армяне, азербайджанцы, узбеки, таджики и представители ещё многих национальностей, так что на улице вы можете услышать не только русскую речь.

Самарское метро охватывает только малую часть города, далёкую от туристических достопримечательностей.

Когда ехать Править

Наилучшее время для экскурсионного туризма в Самаре — с мая по октябрь, для пляжного — с июня по август. Зимой Самара интересна для лыжников, горнолыжников, сноубордистов (декабрь—март), зимних кайтеров (январь—февраль), участников гонок на собачьих упряжках (январь), любителей подлёдного рыбного лова. Театральный сезон с октября по май (у филармонии — до конца июня).

САМАРА. На трамвае в филармонию. Репортаж из трамвая.


История Самарской области / The History of the Samara region

More than two million seven hundred twenty thousand one hundred seventy one persons Russian — the basic population of the Russian Federation live in the Samara Region. The formation of the Russian population of the Samara area occurred in the sixteenth — nineteen the centuries for the account of a resettlement from the other places. The first constant settlements in Zavolzhe have appeared after building a fortress Samara on the left coast of the Volga river in fifteen eighty six under which protection there were Russian settlements on Samara Luka. The peasants running to the Volga became founders of these villages in the central districts of Russia. The first Russian villages trebled, as a rule, under the aegis of large proprietors — church feudal lords and merchants — industrialists.

Large and small villages were the earliest Russian settlements in the territory of the Average Volga region. The last population was formed near the strengthened lines and fortified cities. The most widespread type of rural Russian settlements was a village with a small amount of yards. While increasing in number of inhabitants and occurrence of churches rural area was renamed into a village. Names of settlements had a various origin. On an environment the Samara region can be divided into northern and southern parts which natural watershed is the river Samara. In a northern part prevailing soil is the fertile chernozem with clay, limestone and quarts breeds, in a southern part — loam with the same sort.

The basic systems of land tenure in the Samara province is tryokhpolie, prevailing in northern and northern parts of the province, and a refalse system extending in its southern parts.

Traditional instrument of labour was a plough, a heavy wheel plough — caban, a horse plough and a frame harrow. The heavy plough to which were put three-four, and sometimes five steams of an oxen, was available only in an economy of prosperous peasants, the horse plough was more universal and thus equally well overturned and loosened the earth.

The basic agricultural crops in territory of the Samara were the rye, oats, buckwheat, barley, peas, and also flax and hemp (for clothes manufacturing).

In the twentieth century there was a number of settlements where a down — knitting craft has been extented. Rod weathing of furniture and house utensils has been developed in the Samara province.

The Samara province is known for the house carving which has had especial development in northern areas.

The traditional national suit of Russian settlement of the Samara province prior to the beginning of the twentieth century represented three ethnographic groups: northern, southern and average.

The main element of a North Russian complex of Russian national suit is a sundress in a combination to a shirt, a headdress and a short breast clothes which has had various names (epanechka, korotyona, pyoruskry).

Today`s inhabitants of the Samara region remember different stories of our settlements and carefully store a sacred precept of our ancestors: to live in peace consent and respect.


Топик 551. (B). История Самарской области

Кеваева Екатерина. Варламовская Школа "Образовательный центр", посёлок Варламово, Сызранский район, Самарская область, РоссияСочинение на английском языке с переводом (топик по английскому языку)

More than two million seven hundred twenty thousand one hundred seventy one persons Russian - the basic population of the Russian Federation live in the Samara Region. The formation of the Russian population of the Samara area occurred in the sixteenth - nineteen the centuries for the account of a resettlement from the other places. The first constant settlements in Zavolzhe have appeared after building a fortress Samara on the left coast of the Volga river in fifteen eighty six under which protection there were Russian settlements on Samara Luka. The peasants running to the Volga became founders of these villages in the central districts of Russia. The first Russian villages trebled, as a rule, under the aegis of large proprietors - church feudal lords and merchants - industrialists.

Large and small villages were the earliest Russian settlements in the territory of the Average Volga region. The last population was formed near the strengthened lines and fortified cities. The most widespread type of rural Russian settlements was a village with a small amount of yards. While increasing in number of inhabitants and occurrence of churches rural area was renamed into a village. Names of settlements had a various origin. On an environment the Samara region can be divided into northern and southern parts which natural watershed is the river Samara. In a northern part prevailing soil is the fertile chernozem with clay, limestone and quarts breeds, in a southern part - loam with the same sort.

The basic systems of land tenure in the Samara province is tryokhpolie, prevailing in northern and northern parts of the province, and a refalse system extending in its southern parts.

Traditional instrument of labour was a plough, a heavy wheel plough - caban, a horse plough and a frame harrow. The heavy plough to which were put three-four, and sometimes five steams of an oxen, was available only in an economy of prosperous peasants, the horse plough was more universal and thus equally well overturned and loosened the earth.

The basic agricultural crops in territory of the Samara were the rye, oats, buckwheat, barley, peas, and also flax and hemp (for clothes manufacturing).

In the twentieth century there was a number of settlements where a down - knitting craft has been extented. Rod weathing of furniture and house utensils has been developed in the Samara province.

The Samara province is known for the house carving which has had especial development in northern areas.

The traditional national suit of Russian settlement of the Samara province prior to the beginning of the twentieth century represented three ethnographic groups: northern, southern and average.

The main element of a North Russian complex of Russian national suit is a sundress in a combination to a shirt, a headdress and a short breast clothes which has had various names (epanechka, korotyona, pyoruskry).

Today`s inhabitants of the Samara region remember different /stories of our settlements and carefully store a sacred precept of our ancestors: to live in peace consent and respect.



В Самарской области проживает более 2720171 человек Русские - основное население Российской Федерации. Формирование русского населения Самарского края происходило в XVI-XIX веках за счёт переселения из других мест. Первые постоянные селения в Заволжье появились после строительства на левом берегу Волги в 1586 году крепости Самара, подзащитой которой в конце XVI - начале XVII веков возникли русские селения на Самарской Луке. Основателями этих сёл стали крестьяне, бежавшие на Волгу от непосильных феодальных повинностей и малоземелье в центральных уездах России. Первые русские деревни утраивались, как правило, под эгидой крупных собственников - церковных феодалов и купцов - промышленников.

Наиболее ранними русскими поселениями на территории Среднего Поволжья были деревни, сёла и слободы. Последние с основным служилым населением образовывались вблизи укреплённых линий и городов - крепостей. Самым распространённым типом сельского поселения у русских была деревня с небольшим количеством дворов. С увеличением численности жителей и появлением церкви деревня переименовывалась в село. Наименование селений имели различное происхождение. По природным условиям Самарскую область можно условно разделить на северную и южную части, естественным водоразделом которых является река Самара. В северной части преобладающей почвой являетсяплодородный чернозём с подпочвой из глины, известняка и кварцевых пород, в южной части- суглинок с подпочвой такого же рода.

Основными системами землепользования в Самарской губернии является трёхполье, преобладавшее в северной и северо-восточной частях губернии, и переложная система, распространённая в южной её части.

Традиционными орудиями труда служили соха, тяжёлый колёсный плуг - сабан, конный плуг и рамная борона. Тяжёлый плуг, в который впрягались 3-4, а иногда 5 пар волов, имелся только в хозяйстве зажиточных крестьян, конный же плуг являлся более универсальным и при этом одинаково хорошо переворачивал и рыхлил землю.

Основными сельскохозяйственными культурами на территории Самарского края являлись рожь, овёс, греча, ячмень, горох, а также лён и конопля(для изготовления одежды).

На территории губернии в XIX веке существовал ряд селений, где был распространен пуховязальный промысел. Было развито плетение мебели и домашней утвари из лозы.

Самарская губерния известна своей домовой резьбой, получившей особенное развитие в северных районах.

Традиционный народный костюм русского селения Самарской губернии до начала XX века представлял три этнографические группы: северную, южную и среднюю.

Главным элементом северорусского комплекса русского народного костюма является сарафан в сочетании с рубахой, головным убором и короткой нагрудной одеждой, имевшей различные названия (епанечка., коротена, пёрышки).

Сегодняшние жители Самарской области, помнят об истории заселения нашего края и бережно хранят святой завет наших предков: жить в мире и согласии, уважать традиции и обряды людей, говорящих на других языках, имеющих свои традиции, исповедующих иную религию.



Copyright © Russiancentres of City and Guilds



Тема Саратов на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе

Saratov is the administrative center of Saratov Oblast. — Саратов является административным центром Саратовской области

The population of Saratov is more than 800 000. – Население Саратова составляет более 800 000 человек.

It is a principal economic, cultural and educational center of the Volga region. – Это ведущий экономический , культурный, и образовательный центр Поволжья

In the 18th century Saratov was the 3rd largest city after Moscow and Petersburg.

Saratov combines the architecture of an old merchant town and modern city. – Саратов сочетает архитектуру старого торгового города и современного города.

Saratov is a motherland of many famous Russian figures. – Саратов – родина многих известных российских деятелей.

Nikolay Chernyshevskiy was born in Saratov. Saratov is a birthplace of actors Evgeniy Mironov and Oleg Tabakov and. – Николай Чернышевский родился в Саратове. Саратов является родиной актеров Евгения Миронова и Олега Табакова.

Диалоги о Саратове на английском языке

— Is Saratov an ancient city? – Саратов старинный город?— Yes, it is. It was founded in 1590. Stately homes, bank buildings, retail and apartment houses – all that is a part of Saratov’s history. – Да. Он был основан в 1590 году. Усадьбы, банковские здания, торговые и жилые дома — все это часть истории Саратова.— I think, Saratov is a beautiful city. – Я думаю, Саратов красивый город.— You are right. It was a merchant city and still has the charm of those times. – Вы правы. Он был торговым городом и до сих пор имеет очарование тех времен.— What are main tourists destinations in Saratov? – Каковы главные достопримечательности в Саратове?— There are a lot of them. I think, you should start from the Spacemen Embankment. It has a splendid view of the Volga. Or walk along Kirov Avenue in the very center. Then have a rest in picturesque Lipki park. – Их очень много. Я думаю, вы должны начать с Набережной космонавтов. Тут открывается великолепный вид на Волгу. Или прогуляйтесь по проспекту Кирова в самом центре. Затем отдохните в живописном парке Липки.

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