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"Достопримечательности Москвы и Санкт Петербурга" урок английского языка в 7 классе. Презентация достопримечательности санкт петербурга на английском языкеДостопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга ( на английском языке)Слайд 1 Saint-Petersburg Have executed: Ignatiev Maxim the pupils of 7 «B» form of gymnasium №14 The supervisor: Ignatieva Olga Alexandrovna the teacher of EnglishСлайд 2 The aim of our research Saint-Petersburg is of the greatest and most beautiful cities in the world. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world come to St. Petersburg and admire its sights. Its more than 300 years old and the history of the city is closely connected with the history of Russia. St. Petersburg was founded by Russian tsar Peter the Great in 1707 and best architects took part in its construction and design. We/ve chosen the theme to collect the information about this wonderful city and present it to our peers. We think that teenagers should know about the history and places of interest of St. Petersburg because it is one of the symbols of Russia. The tasks of our research: To find the information on the theme To write a report about the most famous sights of St. Petersburg. To make a presentation to illustrate our report To present our work to our studetnts Слайд 3 In 1703, the Kronstadt Fortress was built on Island Kotlin. The city of Saint-Petersburg was being built at unprecedented speed. Thousands of peasants and workingmen were driven here from all over Russia. In the forests they cleared passages for the future avenues, drained swamps and dug deep ditches and future celebrated canals. Слайд 4 During the reign of Peter the Great and his successors in the 18th century and further in the early 19th century the magnificent image of Northern Palmyra was shaping out. The best sculptors and artists in Europe and Russia created its masterpieces. Слайд 5 The first museum of natural science in Russia—the Kunstkammer —gave its name the building as a whole. The astronomical instruments, maps, rare books, minerals and various unusual exhibits in the museum were collected both due to an order of Peter the Great and by the tsar himself, starting in 1714. Слайд 6 The treasures of the Hermitage , the largest museum in our country, are famous throughout the world. Only the Louvre is larger. The State Hermitage comprises the complex of five buildings: 1.The Winter Palace: 1754-1762 2.The Small Hermitage: 1775 3.The Old Hermitage: 1775-1787 4.The Hermitage Theatre: 1787 5.The New Hermitage: 1852 A monument in honour of Russia's victory over Napoleon was the Triumphal Column erected in the centre of Palace Square in 1834 (architect A. Montferrand), called the Alexander Column. This is the largest granite monolith in the world. The column is 47.5 metres high. Слайд 7 On August 27, 1801, the official ceremony of the cathedral's foundation was held. The construction of the cathedral took ten years and was considered one of the most important state construction project. The Kazan cathedral was built on the place of a small wooden church. The Russian Museum of Saint-Petersburg is a world-famous repository of Russian art. It houses more than 300,000 items, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, water-colours and works of applied and folk art. The palace was built in 1825 by C. Rossi for the youngest son of Paul I, grand duke Mikhail. Слайд 8 The Bronze Horseman celebrated by A. Pushkin is one of the most perfect creations in the monumental sculpture of the world. It was unveiled on August 7, 1782, in Senat- skaya Square. An equestrian monument to Nicholas I was erected in the centre of St Isaac's Square which was shaped much later than the city's other important squares. The idea of the statue belongs to Montferrand and it was superbly executed by P. Klodt. Слайд 9 Our sociological Survey Слайд 10 Do you know the history of St. Petersburg Слайд 11 Conclusion While I am working on research I have learned a lot about the great Russian city. We studied its history and wrote the information in chapter 1.We found the pictures of its sights and learned the history of these places and their meaning for Saint-Petersburg. You can see this information in chapter 2. We have conducted a sociological survey to find out what our students think and know about this city. The results of the survey are given in chapter 3. We carried out all the all the tasks, we achieved our aim. So we can say that we have done well. Moreover we enjoyed our work. nsportal.ru Презентация Санкт-ПеербургSt. Petersburg St. Petersburg The Neva River The Baltic Sea Tsar Peter the Great Winter Palace Dvortsovaya Square A monument to Peter the Great The Summer Garden A monument to I. Krylov Peter the Great’s wooden house Nevsky Prospect The Russian Museum The Hermitage Smolny Cathedral A famous Russian city One of the oldest parks of St. Petersburg The first monument to a poet in Russia The first building in St. Petersburg The most important street of St. Petersburg A rich collection of Russian paintings One of the most famous museums in the world Is situated To found To begin – began To grow fast To appear A palace A bridge A church A theatre A garden Is famous for St. Petersburg = the city = it = this beautiful city What is it? It is What is it? It is What is it? It is Who is it? He is What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? It is the Baltic Sea It is the Summer Garden It is the Hermitage He is tsar Peter the Great It is a monument to I. Krylov It is Smolny Cathedral It is Winter Palace It is Peter the Great’s wooden house Is St. Petersburg a famous Russian city? Is St. Petersburg situated on the Neva River near the Baltic Sea? Did tsar Peter the Great found the city in 1803? Did St. Petersburg grow fast? Can you see Dvortsovaya Square, Winter Palace, Smolny Cathedral and a monument to Peter the Great in it? Is St. Petersburg famous for bridges, theatres, churches and parks? Is the Summer Garden the first building in St. Petersburg? Is a monument to I. Krylov situated in Nevsky Prospect? Is a monument to I. Krylov the first monument to a poet in Russia? Is Peter the Great’s wooden house one of the oldest parks in St. Petersburg? Is the Hermitage the most important street in the city? Does the Summer Garden have a rich collection of Russian paintings? Is Nevsky Prospect one of the most famous museums in the world? Презентация к уроку страноведения "Архитектурные достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга"Архитектурные достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга The State Hermitage is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums in the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been opened to the public since 1852. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise over three million items, including the largest collection of paintings in the world. The collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings along Palace Embankment, including the Winter Palace, a former residence of Russian emperors. Apart from them, the Menshikov Palace, Museum of Porcelain, Storage Facility at Staraya Derevnya and the eastern wing of the General Staff Building are also part of the museum. The museum has several exhibition centers abroad. The Hermitage is a federal state property. Since 1990, the director of the museum has been Mikhail Piotrovsky. Buildings Egyptian antiquities Since 1940, the Egyptian collection, dating back to 1852 and including the former Castiglione Collection, has occupied a large hall on the ground floor in the eastern part of the Winter Palace. It serves as a passage to the exhibition of Classical Antiquities. A modest collection of the culture of Ancient Mesopotamia, including a number of Assyrian reliefs from Babylon,Dur-Sharrukin and Nimrud, is located in the same part of the building. Classical antiquities The collection of Classical Antiquities occupies most of the ground floor of the Old and New Hermitage buildings. The interiors of the ground floor were designed by German architect Leo von Klenze in the Greek revival style in the early 1850s, using painted polished stucco and columns of natural marble and granite. One of the largest and most notable interiors of the first floor is the Hall of Twenty Columns, divided into three parts by two rows of grey monolithic columns of Serdobol granite, intended for the display of Graeco-Etruscan vases. Its floor is made of a modern marble mosaic imitating ancient tradition, while the stucco walls and ceiling are covered in painting. The Room of the Great Vase in the western wing features the 2.57 m (8.4 ft) high Kolyvan Vase, weighting 19 t (42,000 lb), made of jasper in 1843 and installed before the walls were erected. While the western wing was designed for exhibitions, the rooms on the ground floor in the eastern wing of the New Hermitage, now also hosting exhibitions, were originally intended for libraries. The floor of the Athena Room in the south-eastern corner of the building, one of the original libraries, is decorated with an authentic 4th-century mosaic excavated in an early Christian basilica in Chersonesos in 1854. The collection of Classical Antiquities feature Greek artifacts from the 3rd millennium – 5th century BC, Ancient Greek pottery, items from the Greek cities of the North Pontic Greek colonies, Hellenistic sculpture and jewellery, including engraved gems and cameos, such as the famous Gonzaga Cameo, Italic art from the 9th to 2nd century BC, Roman marble and bronze sculpture and applied art from the 1st century BC - 4th century AD, including copies of Classical and Hellenistic Greek sculptures. One of the highlights of the collection is the Tauride Venus, which, according to the latest research, is an original Hellenistic Greek sculpture rather than a Roman copy as it was thought before. There are, however, only a few pieces of authentic Classical Greek sculpture and sepulchral monuments. Просмотр содержимого документа «Презентация к уроку страноведения "Архитектурные достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга" »kopilkaurokov.ru "Достопримечательности Москвы и Санкт Петербурга" урок английского языка в 7 классеОписание презентации по отдельным слайдам: 1 слайд Описание слайда:Достопримечательности Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга Attractions in Moscow and St. Petersburg 2 слайд Описание слайда:Рanorama of the palace and park ensemble of Peterhof 3 слайд Описание слайда:Peterhof 4 слайд Описание слайда:GRAND CASCADE FOUNTAIN БОЛЬШОЙ КАСКАД ФОНТАНОВ 5 слайд Описание слайда:SAMSON TEARING THE LION'S MOUTH САМСОН РАЗДИРАЮЩИЙ ПАСТЬ ЛЬВА 6 слайд Описание слайда:SENATE SQUARE СЕНАТСКАЯ ПЛОЩАДЬ 7 слайд Описание слайда:Red Square 8 слайд Описание слайда:The Kremlin 9 слайд Описание слайда:St Basil's Cathedral 10 слайд Описание слайда:The Bolshoi Theatre 11 слайд Описание слайда:The Hermitage 12 слайд Описание слайда:Griboyedov Canal 13 слайд Описание слайда:Church of Christ the Savior Церковь Христа Спасителя 14 слайд Описание слайда:The Tretyakov Gallery 15 слайд Описание слайда:The Armoury Chamber 16 слайд Описание слайда:The Tsar Bell 17 слайд Описание слайда:The Tsar Cannon Найдите материал к любому уроку,указав свой предмет (категорию), класс, учебник и тему: Выберите категорию: Все категорииАлгебраАнглийский языкАстрономияБиологияВсемирная историяВсеобщая историяГеографияГеометрияДиректору, завучуДоп. образованиеДошкольное образованиеДругоеДругойЕстествознаниеИЗО, МХКИзобразительное искусствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИспанский языкИсторияИстория РоссииИстория Средних вековИтальянский языкКлассному руководителюКультурологияЛитератураЛитературное чтениеЛогопедияМатематикаМировая художественная культураМузыкаМХКНачальные классыНемецкий языкОБЖОбществознаниеОкружающий мирОсновы безопасности жизнедеятельностиПриродоведениеРелигиоведениеРисованиеРусский языкСоциальному педагогуТехнологияУкраинский языкФизикаФизическая культураФилософияФинский языкФранцузский языкХимияЧерчениеЧтениеШкольному психологуЭкология Выберите класс: Все классыДошкольники1 класс2 класс3 класс4 класс5 класс6 класс7 класс8 класс9 класс10 класс11 класс Выберите учебник: Все учебники Выберите тему: Все темы также Вы можете выбрать тип материала: Общая информация Номер материала: ДВ-215919 Похожие материалы Оставьте свой комментарийinfourok.ru Презентация "Saint Petersburg" - английский язык, презентацииВыполнила: Солодовникова Виктория Викторовна студентка-практикантка ГГПИ Руководитель педпрактикой: Мельник Анна Васильевна Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Александровская средняя школа» Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. And nowadays Saint Petersburg is the northern capital of Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its bridges, canals, palaces, churches, cathedrals and other sights attract a lot of tourists. Two years ago I had a chance to visit this wonderful city. And it was one of the most interesting and fascinating holidays which I’ve ever had. It was our first day in Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg met us with wet weather and grey clouds. But even bad weather didn’t spoil our fine mood. Two days later we understood, that the weather was very variable. That’s why every day we took the umbrellas, even if the weather was sunny in the morning. Ex. 1 Express the same in English.
The Peter and Paul Fortress lays on Hare Island. It was built for protecting ( защиты) the areas around the Neva. But this fortress has never played a military ( военную) role. It was used as a political prison ( тюрьма) . Many famous people were prisoners in St. Peter and Paul Fortress, for example, Dostoyevsky, Chernyshevsky, and Gorky. In 1924 the Fortress was turned into a museum. In the Peter and Paul Cathedral royal members (42) of the Romanoff family were buried (похоронены) . In St. Petersburg there are а lot of places to enjoy. the St. Issac's Cathedral . It is 101.5 metres high , 111 metres long and 98 meters wide . It is the largest church building in Russia. the Smolny Convent The Kazan Cathedral In the Cathedral there is an original icon of Kazan Godlike Mother. Because it is working church, tourist can’t enter into the Kazan Cathedral. But a lot of religious people arrive in Saint Petersburg to pray ( молиться) . People say, that the icon has miraculous abilities. The Cathedral of the Resurrection ( Воскресение Христа) (Our Savior-on-the-Spilt-Blood Cathedral ) The Cathedral is built on the place, where Emperor Alexander II was mortally ( смертельно) wounded ( ранен) by a bomb thrown by the terrorist. Ex 2. Define which of these statements are true, and which are false.
If a foreigner comes to St. Petersburg, he or she can't miss the Hermitage. The Alexander Column The Hermitage occupies ( занимает ) several buildings, which are all connected. The largest of them is the Winter Palace. Here you can find a great collection of pictures, statues and rich designed rooms and halls. The world’s largest collection of Russian art is in the Russian Museum (in Mikhailovsky Palace). Alexander Pushkin’s Museum is situated on the river Moika Alexander Pushkin loved the city very much and wrote this poem. “ I love you, citadel of Peter's I love your elegant austerity of line, Your broad Neva, whose gracious waters Mid- granite- clad embankment shine. I love your traceries iron of gate and railing, The moonless brilliance of the light That sheds a beauty never paling Upon your meditative night. When, neither lamp or candle hiding I sit composing verse or reading, And slumbering mansions towering high, Stand clear against the lucid sky.” Люблю тебя, Петра творенье, Люблю твой строгий, стройный вид, Невы державное теченье, Береговой ее гранит, Твоих оград узор чугунный, Твоих задумчивых ночей Прозрачный сумрак, блеск безлунный, Когда я в комнате моей Пишу, читаю без лампады, И ясны спящие громады Пустынных улиц . Eight bridges across the Neva River open every night in summer together. The most wonderful place is The water sparkling ( сверкающая) in the sun, gold and white sculptures create marvelous sight. Ex. 3 The weather didn’t care of us, and it was … Shutihi served for entertainment. Squirrels and ducks are also beautiful sights of Peterhof. So, a lot of tourists visit Saint Petersburg, including foreigners. All they admire the beauties of the city. Many people visiting Saint Petersburg, fall in love with it, and return again and again! Источники
kopilkaurokov.ru Презентация достопримечательности санкт петербурга на английском языке1 сентября 2014 года кафедра начала работать в расширенном составе в связи с объединением трёх вузов. PEARSON SUMMER SCHOOL 9 июня 2014 г. Преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков приняли участие в Летней школе Pearson Summer School 2014 “Fast track to Pearson digital world”. организованной крупной международной компанией PEARSON – мировым лидером в области обучающих технологий. В России компания PEARSON работает с 1996 г. и Летняя Школа – это одно из многочисленных традиционных ежегодных мероприятий, организуемых PEARSON. В этом году Летняя Школа проводилась в Центральном Доме Учёных, что на Пречистенке. Почётными лекторами конференции стали Anna Kolbuszewska – методист, эксперт в области обучения английскому языку с более чем 25 летним опытом и Philip Warwick – методист-лингвист, директор частной лингвистической школы в Чехии, эксперт в области обучения английскому языку с опытом преподавания более чем 20 лет. Лекции были посвящены современным методам оценки, позволяющим наиболее точно и быстро оценить прогресс студента в изучении английского языка, эффективным методам преподавания английского языка взрослым студентам, а также основным навыкам, которыми должен владеть современный Преподаватель иностранного языка. В перерывах между лекциями компания PEARSON представила вниманию участников Школы новую учебную литературу, как для преподавателей и взрослых студентов, так и для детей. Гости Школы смогли также принять участие в мастер-классе по работе с интерактивными электронными досками (Interactive White Boards), которые становятся всё более и более популярными в учебном процессе. По завершении каждый участник Летней Школы получил Именной Сертификат и подарок от компании – пособие для преподавателей Choices Teacher’s Book with DVD-ROM. По окончании Школы нашим Преподавателям удалось лично поблагодарить Лекторов за доклады, задать интересующие вопросы. Старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Лебедева Л.А. поделилась своими впечатлениями о мероприятии: “Я принимаю участие в Летних школах PEARSON каждый год, и из года в год уровень организации остается очень высоким, компания, как правило, приглашает для чтения лекций разных людей, однако все Лекторы - удивительно творческие и открытые личности, желающие поделиться своим опытом преподавания. Это вдохновляет нас, слушателей, учиться, пробовать новые методы, о которых мы узнаём, разрабатывать свои методы, обмениваться опытом с коллегами. Кроме того, важно отметить, что темы докладов и мастер-классов всегда актуальны. Обратите внимание на Девиз компании: “We are changing with you and for you”. Я думаю, этот Девиз очень хорошо подходит и для нас - Преподавателей”. Автор: Natalya V. Zyablova Коротко о Санкт-Петербурге на Английском языкеtour-rizm.ru |
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