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Тема Иваново на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городе. Достопримечательности ярославля на английском языке с переводомТема Ярославль на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городеYaroslavl is one of the largest Russian cities. Ярославль один из крупных российских городов. The city of Yaroslavl is the capital of the Yaroslavl region. Город Ярославль является столицей Ярославской области. Population of the city is more than 600 thousand people. Население города составляет более 600 тысяч человек. The city of Yaroslavl is located on the banks of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers. Город Ярославль располагается на берегах рек Волги и Которосль. First time the city of Yaroslavl is mentioned in the Russian chronicles in 1071. Впервые город Ярославль упоминается в русских летописях в 1071 году.Yaroslavl was founded by the prince Yaroslav Mudry. Ярославль был основан князем Ярославом Мудрым. In honor of him, the city got its name. В честь него город и получил своё название. Согласно преданию, князь убил священного зверя — медведя. According to legend, the prince killed a sacred beast — a bear. This legend was reflected in the emblem of the city, which depicts a bear. Эта легенда нашла отражение в гербе города, на котором изображён медведь. In Yaroslavl was founded the first public theater in Russia. В Ярославле был основан первый в России общедоступный театр. For this reason, the city is considered the birthplace of the Russian theater. По этой причине город считается родиной русского театра. There are many museums in Yaroslavl. В Ярославле много музеев. In the «Governor’s House» there are paintings of Russian artists, here is a large collection of Konstantin Korovin. В «Губернаторском Доме» хранятся картины русских художников, тут представлена большая коллекция работ Константина Коровина. Lovers of Russian literature, must visit the museum «Karabikha», here was the homestate of the Russian writer Nekrasov. Любители русской литературы, обязательно должны посетить музей «Карабиха», здесь находилась усадьба русского писателя Некрасова. You can also visit the «Museum of Music and Time» — the museum features many ancient musical instruments. Также можно посетить «Музей музыка и время» — в музее представлены много старинных музыкальных инструментов.
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www.interactive-english.ru сочинение на английском про ярославльYaroslavl - a city in Russia, the administrative center of Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region, urban district. Population - 591,374 people (estimated at 1 January 2011). Yaroslavl - the third largest populated city of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. The city is a transportation hub, from which diverge railway lines and roads in the direction of Moscow, Vologda, Rybinsk, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Kirov. In Yaroslavl act as a river port and airport. The city area is 205 km . Administrative city is divided into six districts: Dzerzhinsky Zavolzhsky, Kirov, Krasnoperekopsk, Lenin, Frunze.Yaroslavl - one of the oldest Russian cities, based within the XI century and reached its peak in the XVII century, in 2010, the city celebrated its millennium. City Day in Yaroslavl usually celebrated on the last Saturday in May (in 2010, in connection with the celebration of the millennium of the city was carried out from 10 to 12 September). The historic center of the city, situated at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl, is a World Heritage Site. Yaroslavl is traditionally considered one of the main objects of the Golden Ring of Russia.The city is located in a zone of moderate continental climate, moderating influence of the Atlantic Ocean is large. The sum of the growing season temperatures (above +10 ° C) - 1892 ° C. The number of days with temperatures below zero - 150 days. Annual rainfall - 590 mm. Total precipitation of the cold period - 175 mm. Total precipitation of the warm period - 427 mm.Winter in Yaroslavl moderately cold, moderate snow, lasting more than five months. The average January temperature is -11 ° C, in some winter frosts can reach -40 ° C, -46 ° C, but it does happen and thaw, so, in 1932, in the month of January marked the longest thaw the entire observation period (17 days). Snow depth - 35-50 cm, in some winters it reaches 70 cm, sometimes barely more than 20 cm snow cover is in the second half of November and lasts for 140 days. The winds of the southern and western areas. Average wind speed - 4.2 m / s, high winds, more than 8 m / s, and snowstorms are observed mainly in December - the month of January to 8-10 days.Spring is characterized by low rainfall. The average temperature in April in Yaroslavl, about +4 ° C. Snow cover occurs in the first half of April. Precipitation in April are small - about 40 mm more precipitation starts in May, when they fall 50-60 mm. In May of the year marked the lowest relative humidity - 70%.Summers are moderately warm and humid, with the highest amount of rainfall in a year - up to 80 mm per month. The average July temperature is +18 ° C, in some hot days, the maximum daytime temperature reached +37 ° C. In July, most precipitation falls in the year - 80-90 mm per month. Mainly rain showers, with thunderstorms often (in June - July, and 6-8 days with a thunderstorm). The prevailing winds are west and north. Average speed of 2.5-3.5 m / s.Autumn is characterized by a sharp increase in the overcast sky - up to 18 days per month and increase the relative humidity to 85%. The average temperature in October in Yaroslavl +3 ° C. Rainfall is reduced, but the nature of their changes - are heavy rains and mists arise. sprashivalka.com Тема Иваново на английском языке: достопримечательности, рассказ о городеIvanovo is the city in the European part of the Russian Federation. Город Иваново находится в европейской части Российской Федерации. It is located near such large cities as Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Vladimir. Он расположен рядом с такими крупными городами, как Москва, Ярославль, Владимир. It is the administrative center of Ivanovskaya Oblast. Это административный центр Ивановской области.Ivanovo was founded in 1871 on the banks of the river Uvod’. Иваново был основан в 1871 году на берегах реки Уводь. Река разделяет город на две части. The river divides the city into two parts. The population of the city is approximately 410 thousand people. Население города составляет примерно 410 тысяч человек. The total area of Ivanovo is 104 square kilometers. Общая площадь Иваново 104 квадратных километра. Ivanovo consists of 4 districts. They are Leninskiy, Frunzenskiy, Oktiyabrskiy , and Sovetskiy. Иваново состоит из четырех районов: Ленинский, Фрунзенский, Октябрьский, Советский. The main touristic attractions are: the Uspenskaya Church, the St. Vvedenskiy Monastery, the manor of Burylin merchants, the Monument to the fighters of the Revolution, and others. Основными туристическими достопримечательностями города являются: Успенская церковь, Свято-Введенский монастырь, усадьба купцов Бурылиных, Монумент борцам Революции, и другие. There are parks with various sculptures and places for reading books in Ivanovo. В Иваново есть парки с различными скульптурами и местами для чтения книг. For example, the Stepanov Park, Harinka Park, Botanical Garden. Например, парк им. Степанова, Харинка, Ботанический сад. The city has several picturesque squares: Literary Square and Art Square. В городе есть живописные скверы: Литературный Сквер и Арт-сквер. It’s worth to visit exhibitions in such galleries as the Printed Cotton Museum and the Regional Museum of Art in Ivanovo. В Иваново непременно стоит посетить выставки в таких галереях, как Музей Ситца и Областной Художественный музей. The urban city’s transportation is represented by public transport, railroad and airplanes. Городская транспортная система представлена общественным, железнодорожным и воздушным транспортом. There are an Airport Southern and a Ivanovsky Bus Terminal in Ivanovo. В Иваново есть аэропорт Южный и Ивановский автовокзал.
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